This is getting really good. He could be in Saturday Night Fever if he tried
@Apathy , look at all that disco
Ty progress today
This is a little too recent to be Saturday Night Fever
But I was just playing the record. Literally, I have the record D:
Maybe hmm techno disco party for Scotty.
@Apathy how you been bro? i was seeing more of you a week ago or so… hows it goin?
I’ve been good. My Dad came back from Portugal and he wants to use the t.v. that the computer uses as a monitor so haven’t been on as much lately.
oh cool. i dated a Portuguese girl in high school. never forgot her. she was the best ever…
you could likely find a monitor for free on craigslist ya know?
We have one, we just like to use the t.v. for watching movies that aren’t on Netflix and sports since we got rid of cable.
yea. i got rid of cable too… i use a roku box for tv now
Those are great. My cousin has one and he watches Netflix while he does homework.
yea. ive got family guy on while i create music or animation too… keeps me entertained
haha family guy is great
I had to delete the vid real quick because i hated that Scotty wasnt blinking so i redid him with Blinking… ill post it here in a minute
@Minnii you might like to wake up knowing that Scotty is still dancing
Look at him go!!!
I’ve gotta do a punk scene soon (
Looking forward to it