The long, sad story in The Huffington Post
I say nay to respiridal for anyone… horrible drug.
in 5 years though invega will go generic as a tier 2 or whatever… people should at least be on invega. its the same ■■■■but it’s slow release. Doesn’t seem to jack up the hormones as bad… it’s terrible excuse for a “new” drug though.
Wow. When I worked in a group home for children in 2010, about half of them were on Risperdal! We didn’t like the way it sedated the kids, but it was better than Depakote. Almost anything is better than Depakote.
Over-generalization. Risperidone is a dandy med for some patients, but plain horrid for some others. It always comes down to the way the drug molecule interfaces with patient’s precise neurochemistry and other physiological issues.
Not A Fan Of Tha Huffington Post … ,
(by) (tha) (way) … ,
Children Have Active Imaginations … ,
They Don’t NONE OF THEM Have “mental” “illnesses” …
And there is no such thing as “autism,” I guess.
Giving Kid’s Ritalin Is A ■■■■■■■Crime …
Why should kids be treated with Risperdal? Even autism has its limits but docs don’t
I’d agree (in principle). But I have seen it work too many times to argue with it.
Creepy AS â– â– â– â– .
Because it works… when it works. Nevertheless, it – and many other anti-Ps – appear to be over-prescribed for every age group.
Thank god for old fashioned mothers who didn’t put us on that s-h-i-t
I never would have went to college or had my kids.
Was intended as such… I despise that drug…
Pituitary tumors are permanent…
Small Risk, Benign Tumors
The tumors linked to Risperdal and other drugs are not necessarily dangerous. Many are microscopic. Few are larger than 1 millimeter.
“These are benign tumors, better thought of as a cyst,” Doraiswamy says. “They grow slowly and, generally, locally. Most are very tiny. But sometimes they grow, and when they do, they press on surrounding tissue and cause hormonal problems. Or they can press on the optic nerve and cause some loss of vision.”
Yeah my parents refused to put me on Ritalin. I was an adventurous child
Well man.
The risk is the highest with that drug… By a long shot.
If you want a timorous mass growing in a gland in your brain that already occupies all the space allotted… Yeah be my guest. It’s a pretty important gland as well.
That’s not a risk I’m going to take.
All actions have consequences. And some inactions, as well.
To each there own…
I can have my own opinion too
Ritalin just reminds me of the Riddler from batman. Yes I know that’s off topic
Here’s a riddle. What comes in a bottle and turns down the tunes? you can’t know for sure but it could blow your brain up like balloons.