Science 2.0 - Is Schizophrenia A Real Illness?

Since this forum is full of people who do not have specific speech, writing and expression issues. How have you come to the conclusion that those who can articulate well are not experiencing schizophrenia symptoms?

I’m sorry but your viewpoint can be very narrow minded and you do not have a responsibility to question another member in such a manner or to tell them what they can or cannot speak about.

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Freedom of expression does not give you the right to question another member in such a manner. This forum has guidelines in place for this reason.

Respect and Compassion

In order to encourage respect and compassion in our web community, we ask that community members refrain from telling others how they should live their lives (e.g., “get rid of that person” or “get off that medication”). We believe that feedback or advice is most helpful if it is offered as a suggestion or through an example of a personal experience. This teaching by personal example is much more respectful to others than direct advice giving.

• Suggestion, Not Criticism

Our members ask first if their advice is wanted before giving it to another member. This way, members can decide when they are ready to hear advice and feedback. We have learned that feedback or advice is most helpful if it is offered as a suggestion or through an example of a personal experience, but not as a criticism.

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This site is provided to you for free, and you are free to disagree with other posters, but if you stoop to personal abuse or attacks, your post(s) will be deleted. If you ARE insulted then report the post…PLEASE do NOT retaliate. If you do retaliate you are no better then the abuser and you too will treated as an abuser as stated above. Retaliation by anyone against another is in no way showing any respect for yourself, the person who offended you, nor the rest of the readers of the forums.

A post in this thread has been flagged by a member of the community and for that reason I am stepping in.

I am not angry. I am doing my job.

Please keep further responses on topic to the original post.

After having read this rapport briefly, I think two things need to change. If these things are in order everyone will be happy.

They are:

  1. Medications should always be given only after no harmfull side effects are observed.
  2. Mental healt staff should be trained in communication and psychology and spend at least 15 minuttes talking to the patient each day of a hospitalization. They should talk about whatever the person thinks is important but also talk about themselves. Further the talks should take place in private and should be held on the workers behalf,

I write better than I talk. I talk better than I think. Don’t know if I an schizo, but the medicines work for me and I wish I could think better.

Do bears dump in the woods?

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just wanted to say I’m not following this thread any more after tonight but I wanted to comment that I’m the same way. I can write a good 10 pages about something but then if you ask me to say it out-loud I tend to stutter and stammer my way through it. That’s part of the reason I’m such a quiet person…

Another one here who is better at written than oral. Writing something on a forum like this you can edit, but getting it right speaking off the cuff is much more difficult. I can think I’m speaking clearly but to the other person I’m not. Then there’s the pregnant pauses and the tripping over one’s words.

Totally agree with you…and what I hate most of all is when it takes me after the fact to come up with something to respond to a statement…like if someone says something sarcastic to me I might not have a response right away but two days later out of nowhere a good come back strikes me and it irks the moment’s already pasted and the comment is no longer valid.

If you truly know something, then you truly know it.
If you truly know it, then you have obviously fully encompassed it with your mind.

If you understood only a portion of “it”, then you would have no right to give “it” a name, for “it” has not been seen as a whole, for “it” has not been fully encompassed by your mind.

Thus if “it” is a something that is not fully understood, then “it” can not be defined as a whole, for “it” has not yet been seen as a whole.

Schizophrenia is something that is not fully understood by the medical field.
Schizophrenia is something that is therefore not complete, it is not “whole”.
So exactly what is the mysterious “it” which has not yet been seen as a whole ?

Today, the incompleteness of schizophrenia has been defined as a whole, A.K.A., a mental illness.
In turn, this sheer madness dictates that there must be absolutely no interest in knowing of that absolute “it”, the very absolute which entirely encompasses the incompleteness of schizophrenia.

If in the past, one could always only see a specific portion of a frog, and thus one remained unable to mentally encompass the entirety of its shape, one could obviously not accept this portion as an entirety, and one could obviously not truly give a name to the entirety.

Only a name could be given to the portion in combination with the mysterious unknown remainder.

Yet the incompleteness of the so called “schizophrenia”, is currently being accepted as being absoluteness. In turn there is absolutely no interest in the absolute “it” of which schizophrenia resides within. In other words, it is sort of like Indian’s in the distant past seeing a message in the clouds, followed by them saying, “That’s enough for me, for I wish to explore and understand clouds no further.”.

There is no sea without water
There is no human being without body
There is no body without brain
There is no cell without nucleus
There is no nucleus without gene
THERE IS NO ( symptoms } WITHOUT { cause }
If someone has talks about his self-experience with schizophrenia,
and insists to ignore every thing related the hallucination,OR t
talks about it as a peripheral event or occasional event,OR
talks about the hallucination as a symptom of disease,OR
gives a false information about its data bases,OR
speaks about every thing related the sz except the hallucination
DO NOT BELIEVE HIM,even if you think that he was diagnosed
with schizophrenia ,because he is not fit to knows his condition
or says facts about it,this is similar to the speech of someone about his
swimming or trip in a sea without water !?
Diagnosis the sz is a matter that be different at all about the credibility
of the speaker who is tell us his observations about features of his own trip in sz world

Weather the speaker is real schizophrenic or unreal schizophrenic person,
he tells us wrong information !!and our interesting is focus on the rightness
information more than the diagnostic issue
Obtaining the right information from the speaker is the goal in all cases !

The same condition, for the specialist who is talks or writes an article about the sz,
if he says or writes about all things and ignoring the hallucination,Or saying
wrong information about it,DO not believe him,because he knows some peripheral
things about the sz(the symptoms} and he do not know the nucleus of event itself,
he is similar to someone who is talking about the morphology features of the cell
while ignoring the speech about the nucleus and gene designedly

This is not personal view,but this is the features of the real facts
A persons{no matter who they are} have talking about the schizophrenia
while they insist to ignoring the hallucination {the nucleus//nerve motor /main event}

Without philosophize
It is so easy to have knowledge with the main data bases of the schizophrenia,
prerequisite ,you should distinguish between the real and unreal facts in the following
1-If the hallucination is including tacitly the schizophrenia ?
2- If the schizophrenia is including ;
the negative symptoms+ positive symptoms + hallucinations?

If the hallucination causing the symptoms of schizophrenia,or the
the schizophrenia causing the hallucination ?

What is the doer ? what is the result ? and how and why ??

You said" sz is something that is not fully understood by the medical field"
that is correct,because they have wrong answer about the above questions !

Just ignore Abat , he has never once contributed anything of value to this forum in my opinion . Only seeks to devalue/power trip/know it all, you in some way.

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Do not forget that,you tell us a mythological story about the appearance of God
and tell you ,you are a son of God,that is without the occurrence of the schizophrenia or the hallucination ,congratulatory ,
A saturnine have become a prophet (gratuitous}
If the claimer is irrational,but the listener is rational
you are contribute to learning the readers the foolishness

Don’t worry abat I still love you :slight_smile:

but again you Just proved what i wrote above.

I smile everyday you write these big posts of nothing but gibberish.

My question is : what is an abat?

The abat cannot have sz because he does not know the cause of the schizophrenia!!!
% if not know he is real! But he can’t know because of the delusion+ the psychiatrist = the abat can not know the study of the sz because no English! !!!

Edited by BarbieBF - I know it was in jest however I removed reference to a member being a troll.


YES! I saw it myself… I was camping on the edge of the forest along a bay and during the night a Bear pooped about 10 feet behind the tent among the trees
I almost stepped in it.

A troll is a creature that lives on the ground and in caves, and eats humans…it cannot fly…

A bat also lives in caves, as well as attics, steeples, old buildings, and under bridges…but it flies, and does not eat humans…even a vampire bat would technically not eat meat, it would drink blood… so a bat is not a troll.

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Imbalanced level;
How can you become balanced level ,when you smile everyday after reading,while
you should smell onion everyday after writing or reading !
Smile is not Smell in English !

Yes I am very imbalanced because I love you so much abat!!! :slight_smile:

He is a mad scientist lol!

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" smile everyday you write these big posts"
It is good news,because writing a posts everyday treat him from his depression (occasionally }.
Then i will still writing everyday until he has full recovery from his grief !


Thank you abat , you are a blessing from God :wink: