School Cop Freaking me out

So, at out school, we have a cop that monitors the campus, and he has become frightening recently.

So, the week before Christmas, I was having some issues with voices declaring that they would kill me or take control of me if I didn’t behave how they want. Right before my finals(no kidding the day before), I got so scared that something would happen if I didn’t succeed in doing well on some stupid test to “prove” I’m worthy to stay in control that I went to a friend for help. She contacted my school counselor, and I was brought in.

My counselor is a nice person and wanted me to go to my phyc, but this a$$hole cop decided that I was some how dangerous and instead declared that I could be a threat(he acted like I couldn’t hear what he was saying). So, instead of going to see my phyc, he confiscated my belongings(looked through them all), and called in another cop to put me in the police car.

I committed no acts of violence just told them the truth of what I was hearing. But, he put more or less detained me in the cop car and brought me to the ER where I got “booty juiced.” A sorts of hell went down after that.

Anyways, now I am back in school, and literally the day I came back, this cop showed up without warning at my house around 5 PM and without a warrant searched my bedroom. It was very uncomfortable, because he told my mother he was just trying to make sure I was in a safe environment but ended up opening every single drawer. He ever took all my stuff out of the drawers and left my room a complete mess of stuff.

According to him, I was detained, so had no civil rights–pretty sure that is bullsh*t but I wasn’t going to argue with a man carrying a gun and taser in my bedroom.

I have to see him everyday, for he waits in front of the school in the mornings, and sometimes walks into classes. He says hi to me too which is beyond terrifying, and has walked into more than a few of my classes to “observe.” I think he is really there just to scare me. I keep seeing him everywhere and he is becoming source of paranoia.

Idk, what to do. I can’t accuse him of something I can’t prove. And, I don’t want to risk being locked up by him again. Btw, I am not a threatening looking person, so I don’t know why he treated me like I was. I am literally a tall-ish girl who who wears a ton of hats and has never caused any problems at school. Thoughts?

I suggest that you discuss your concerns with the school counselor or the Principal if he/she understands your medical condition. They should be able to intervene and speak with the officer about his triggering your paranoia and making situations worse.

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He probably didn’t have a warrant and wasn’t legally allowed to forcefully enter the house, but if your mother let him in, then he was allowed to come in and search. Most cops won’t tell you what your rights are and will hope that you are ignorant of your rights and will let them come in if they can persuade you. That is probably what happened to your mother, who probably complied when the cop played on her instinctive fears for her child. That is how they operate.

I second the advice of telling the counselor.

I agree but kinda don’t want to upset him. He has some sort of superiority thing about him where he wants to be the “scary” guy

I find school cops to be creeps. My guy is literally 5 feet tall, bald, muscular, and always gives me this weird/creepy don’t try anything smile. Pigs they are…

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I think most of them that are like that are just ignorant and only go by what they see in the media. Most cops don’t get special training on interacting with people with mental illness, or how to handle a situation where someone is experiencing psychosis. Combine this with the common us-vs-society culture in police training, and the hypervigilance that gets drilled into them, and it all adds to up tragedies where cops act dangerously in crisis situations. They probably only think about the reprehensible media coverage of shootings, where everybody and their mother speculates all the possible reasons, from blaming autism to anti-depressants and more.

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Definitely talk to the school counselor. School should not be an intimidating experience. :frowning:


Let me have a “word” with him. rolls up sleeves

I’m sorry that just pisses me off because cops are supposed to protect you but all they really do is drill you.

Definitely tell your school counselor.


True. I think most of them want to make extra sure that they don’t miss a warning sign of a potentially dangerous student as a result of recent school tragedies.

Why thank you for offering the “words” . If only XD

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