Schizophrenic success stories

Anyone know where I can find motivational stories about schizophrenics that live a decent life and cope with the struggles of career and relationships. Psychiatric studies, where can I join a study for schizophrenics? Maybe paid not medication testing. I might join as volunteer if it is beneficial for our community of schizophrenics. I kill people with my mind, sorry…just a joke about the thoughts of my schizophrenia. The feelings is like a scattered mind full of evil thoughts mind control and paranormal situations. Guilt tripping in extreme and normal days hopefully I can pass my studies. I’m better now than where I was 2 years ago.l

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There are plenty examples right here if you ask people to speak up…


Prince Philip’s mother, Princess Alice had schizophrenia. I think she did okay.

Although there are extreme cases of people who are very successful and have schizophrenia it is not that common. You can find three-five people who have had schizophrenia who are well known. John Nash, the Nobel prize winning mathematician, Elyn Saks a law Professor and Fred Friese who ran a psychiatric hospital he was once a patient in are the most well known of successful schizophrenics. There are others who are writers or other professions. You’re going to find those cases are rare though. Of course there must be some very successful schizophrenics I’m not aware of.

The majority of schizophrenics don’t work or go to school though but they can still have a good recovery. Schizophrenics are human and thus each of us is different with different experiences and different levels off recovery. A lot of us are on a spectrum and some of us may work full time for a long time, or work full time for a little while. Some like me, work part time for many years or work part time for ten or 15 years. It depends on the person.

Schizophrenics have a wide array of life experiences and you will find schizophrenics on here who do music or travel or who are married or go to school or raise children or do sports etc. You’re not going to find a lot of schizophrenics who work at a professional level. But many schizophrenics on here have a decent recovery and many are a lot better than they once were. You’re going to have to look hard for schizophrenics who are doctors or lawyers or successful businessmen.
But if you just do general searches on the internet you can find success stories and you’ll find the occasional schizophrenic who is an artist or musician or other non typical profession.

It gets a bit tiring after a while. I wish there was an area in the forums where we can post something and maybe just update occasionally. Frustrating to keep having to type it out over and over.


Yeah, I get sick of telling my story.
I agree, I wish we could write our story and pin it so it could be read instantly when these types of posts come up.

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Anything can be seen as successful given the context.

I am tired also of posting updates from scratch every time…

Would be nice if there were member blogs like there is on another forum software I use

yeah I work 40 hours a week, with school, and also maintain relationships with family a significant others and coworkers.

The mods have a function called “canned replies”. It sounds like you need something like that. It’s how we list certain repetitive replies quick for like first time posters, suicide hotlines and stuff like that. I don’t see why the software couldn’t be updated to include that feature for regular members. Maybe you could suggest it?


There is only one issue I see with that. The “canned replies” are shared with the group of moderators so they would have to modify it so it worked with an individual only.

I think it would lead to some spamming unfortunately - even if used properly, as it would just recycle the same stuff over and over

Usually I don’t mind spilling my guts every now an then if I think a new member needs to hear a different narrative …

My sympathy with those people is strong, as I was one of them when I first came here

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I suppose you could always save a copy of a story in the “notepad” program on pc anyway.

When they diagnosed me my prognosis was rubbish, but after 5 years of fighting for better meds, I reached a relatively good position with work and financial security

Unfortunately as @anon4362788 points out I have let myself down trying to mess with meds :frowning:

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You would have to trust us that we wouldn’t use it to post stupid jokes or something. Which means you would have to take a little time to read each members story he wants to post and decide if it’s appropriate.

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Yeah, there are drawbacks to my idea that I did not think of. Perhaps that’s why they left it for mods only.

@Bowens @77nick77

What if we have a pinned topic in the health and recovery forum where people can share their stories and update them?

That way there will be a go to place to read successes, challenges and sometimes failures?

Maybe call it members blogs?

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It’s something we could bring up with the other mods for sure. The only drawback I can think of is that would be that much more “required” reading for new members to do.

It would also keep jumping back to the top of members page every time it was updated too I think. I think it stays there until read after an update. It’s something that might have to be discussed between the mods and maybe even the boss.

I suppose if it draws enough interest it will naturally stay up on the top

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Would you like for me to bring this idea up to the other mods?

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I access this site from about 12 different devices.

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