Schizophrenia trials

Has anyone participated in a schizophrenia trial? I am very interested in doing one. Feel like I can have a reason for having this and I can help others. Last year they wanted me to do one but I wouldn’t give up the pot for it. This time I hopefully can give up the pot so I can participate.


Yea surprisingly I feel in the same boat. I actually inadvertently stopped smoking for awhile bc all I got were more panic inducing strains but when all is said and done I just don’t know if I’d be able to tolerate the whole adjusting so much to medications

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Yeah pot needs to be done. You’ll be drug tested and they watch you. I just joined one today and I am looking forward to experimenting with the medication as the drug I am on right now is defeating my energy and making me a shithead.

Go look on clinical trials .gov

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I’m down for that I just have once concern: what if it’s a success and my insurance doesn’t cover it right away? Bc I’m on ssdi

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Thanks for the replies. I did join a trial yesterday. I was told I could still smoke pot jus not for 3 days before I come in. Hoping I can just quit. But as far as the medication side goes they specifically said the medication I am trying will not be on the market yet when the study is over so to resume the meds you were taking before when the study is done

I’ve heard of drug companies making “compassionate exceptions” when studies ended and folks really had benefitted from a medication.


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