Schizophrenia the most popular disease on earth

schizophrenia is popular

I mean I wouldn’t say popular. But maybe I’m not understanding what context you mean this in.

schizophrenia is in theaters and movies… flu isnt

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Ahh I see, you’re right in that case

it is beatiful disease

Yeah, everybody wants it.


I don’t think so…

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Sz as a fashiondisease like cancer.

oldest one in the book, went from hiding people out to getting them out in to the world and now send them home to hide. funny I didn’t think I was all that ignorance tell I meet the illness head on in life. now iam in debate too say it was not a teacher of delusions and perseverance.

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It’s made by fantasy

I don’t say that it’s good disease. No disease are good, but it’s trendy

Everybody on earth says that it’s good

People think schizophrenia is a fashion statement. They want to hallucinate so bad that it hurts and I don’t know why.

Yeah but watch a celebrity start exhibiting symptoms and immediately come out as bipolar. Bipolar is much trendier than schizophrenia. All the struggles, with half the stigma!

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I think ocd is the king of “cute” mental illness because it’s the one I see most bragged about.

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Unless you actually have it.

It’s also more common. I think people are more accepting because so many people have bipolar 2 which seems to be less debilitating than bipolar 1. But I think people honestly just want to know what it’s like, like morbid curiosity or something. I doubt most people mean any harm by it.

No people don’t mean harm. I consider it a sign of progress that we are being glamourized more often. It means fewer people are demonizing us. It seems to be the trend in acceptance. First you are unknown, then you are demonized,then you are glamourized,then you are an inspiration, then you are accepted.

One of the most popular mental illnesses. A Beautiful Mind was an Academy award winning film based on it.

I think Bipolar was one of the most demonized, stigmatized MI’s until recently. Until Kanye West that is.