Schizophrenia should be tested environmentally

Chemicals nitrates radon pollutants

Soil water air

Nutrient deficiency

These effect all…I think even if they are contributing factors you would still need the genetic predisposition to it…other wise all of Beijing and LA would be over run with Sz…as they meet your poor air water and soil factors…


Also fnding the things in these polluted environmental issues that actually cause Sz would be a task and a half…and to be blunt they know pollution causes an array of physical ailments cancer ect…and they basically give no ■■■■■…so the chances of them giving any more ■■■■■ that it causes mi are very very low…


My daughter friend said

She’s allergic to the sun

My boss at the voices centre is.

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Volunteer centre. Damn auto predict

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I kinda of think the genetic component makes us susceptible to environmental triggers.


I’m always searching for reasons I guess

Sometimes I wonder about aluminum, because it can contribute to Alzheimer’s. My mom used tons of aluminum pots and foil for baking throughout the year.

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I ate a lot of sprayed apples off the tree as a kid

They warned me

Perhaps we should add neuro imaging to our wish list of things they should perform.

One day we will be treated by real doctors like neurologists rather than quacks with a book looking for symptom clusters.

Just look at how far the treatment of mental illness has come.

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