Schizophrenia prediction power

I know, it can seem like esp. I’m can remember turning on the weather report, and before anything was said, a voice said; cooler. Right before the weather person said the same thing.


I’ve had the premonition hallucinations before to. Meds helped mine


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My experience about ‘predicting the future’ was my senses would be aware of something quick seconds before it would happen.

For example before family would get home i would feel like someone was about to come home. Problem was my voice would predict this a lot of times in a day so it felt unbelievable.

We obviously arent predicting the future but our senses are different possibly distorted. We really dont know whats going on yet.

Im sorry to hear your symptoms are messing with you i hate it when mine are on me.

I did learn some interesting dishes to make with mustards and hot sauces though so i get being directed to make new cooking combinations.

I cant wait until modern medicine catches up to whats happening to our brains. I would love my brain back personally.

Talking to my pdoc today about adding cobenfy it acts on different mechanisms. Heres to hope.

I also agree with telling people they are delusional gets us nowhere. Id vote for your symptoms are getting the better of you and your not with us right now. I dont know something. Our senses are doing something unexplainable to us imho.

My psychosis predicts that I will go to hell

Hopefully my psychosis is a lot of bs.

It’s better that the hallucinations that you have, to turn it into your favour.

They way mine got nicer to me was by constantly denying what they told me is true. Then they come up with new things. The biggest hint it wont take is its not welcome here in any way shape or form.

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