Schizophrenia (my concept)

My concept about schizophrenia is that Schizophrenia is particularly further continuous fertilization of soul. As man’s sperm and woman egg’s fertilized to baby than it continue and man’s sperm soul and woman egg’s soul meet and after some year it becomes God. It is not necessary that the process may complete in all schizophrenics. Some where in this forum I wrote that after some million years animal’s body converted into his brain and another body form out side of it. Brains main function is thinking. So results of this fertilization the formed supernatural has made of thought thought and thoughts.

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Someone spooged on my soul?

I guess 2020 has been that kind of year.

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@shutterbug, please let me know easy English of spooged. I don’t find in Google translate


It (fertilization) happened at the time of sex of parents. It only continue after birth, in the brain.

Spooge : The Slang term for Sperm.

:laughing: my good friend from high school still calls me spoogene.

Do you know, We schizophrenic why suffer from paronioa, thought broadcasting, intrusive thoughts, grandiose delusion because it’s the process of God and God belong to all, every and each THOUGHTS.

And all the medication for schizophrenia for the brain specially results in loss of sexual desire (Libido).

I think, this type of fertilization may depend on meeting of supportive egg and some different quality of sperm. This sperms have a fix percentage in all sperms of men. So I think scientists may calculate that for 1 percent of schizophrenic in population how much percent of sperm have such effected. So it is a chance of luck.

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