Schizophrenia is the most stressful illness in the world

how do you cope…

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I don’t cope. I panic

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I cope poorly or in unhealthy ways ha, this site is my healthiest coping mechanism besides therapy.


I cope by taking supplements that calm me down.

L-theanine 750mg/day in divided doses.
Beta Alanine 750mg in the morning
Taurine 500mg at night.

They help keep a lid on anxiety for me. More or less.

Have you ever considered taking CBD @everhopeful?

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I’m pretty stress free these days to the point of boredom. I still get faint voices when I get stressed from something on the farm, oh and also Whispers, but they have no bearing on me. Do you still have voices @karl? Weren’t you due to meet you pdoc?

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I’ve seen worse conditions. I take my meds and try to get along with the voices. The meds are getting kinda toxic but I’d rather die with as calm of a mind as I can than with full blown psychosis.

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@anon47167357 …I saw the pdoc yesterday and we switched meds from clopixol to Haldol and quetiapine…its early days yet to see if im improving

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@Blizzard …I agree the meds are toxic but its a lot better than having sz full blown

No, I decided against it.

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Was there a particular reason as to why you were against it?

I haven’t taken the CBD yet, I’m a little hesitant

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I use coffee and tea with meds and l theanine and meto algenine to cope

It’s not regulated here. You don’t know what you’re getting.

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I kinda get the impression that SZ is different things to different people posting here

But if everyone is referring to ‘The voices resulting in discovering sciences you would’ve rather left ignored’ thing…

I overcame mine by enjoying it

But I’ve always been a strange kid; grew up with comic books and The Twilight Zone
I was disturbed for a good decade of my life until I realized that I WAS weird and stopped running from weird.

“The cold never bothered me any way.”

Good point 1555444

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