I’m part of the same club. I’m 40 pounds overweight, I’m lucky if I have two nickels to Clank together at the end of each month, and I have to work at it everyday to keep my head above water.
Am I happy? No. But I’m doing a hell of a lot better than I used to
Oh, and thoughts fall out of my head and I forget what I was even thinking about it. Oh joy, oh Bliss
@Yellowdiamond , I needed to do an internship to finish an educational program over 20 years ago. I didn’t know where to look so I never got my certificate. I wish someone had told me about the job department.
I just gained 20 lbs and have back trouble. I don’t think schizophrenia can destroy your brain, although your behavior might suffer. I often think I’m degenerating, only to find later I’m not, just suffering from getting old. You need to boost your self esteem.
Psychosis causes brain damage. I suffered from impaired judgment and poor memory. Now, with my medication, I am doing better. I am still overweight too. But, little by little I’m doing more burpees.
Yeah im obese too. Not by a lot for my height. Im at 190lbs now thanks to latuda. I was at 180 which is right at the cut off for obese for me. But eh id rather be fat than psychotic all the time. Im hoping i can find a med that allows me to lose weight but its like no matter how hard i try it doesnt budge.