Schizophrenia is a life sentence

Mine too! I’m very intolerant of idiots and other jerks who distract me. (not you).
But this is 2019 and all groups have the right to exist.

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Yes, kind of. I guess if you wanted too you could call it that.

But I get paroled at least 10 times a week and have peace of mind and contentment for short periods of time and then I’m right back in the slammer. The judge calls me a repeat offender who cannot be rehabilitated from schizophrenia.

Sz is exhausting.
I had adolescent schizophrenia. I had my first break when I was 16.
My late teenage years have been blown off because of sz. I ruined my schooling because of sz.

Sz is a horrendous illness. It ruined my life.

I got schizophrenia when I was 19.
I’m now 36. Many scars from this disease.

17 years of schizophrenia and medication can take a toll on the mind.

But at this very moment I feel good, and haven’t experienced schizophrenia in a long time.

I do hate the meds but I’m grateful for them getting rid of my schizophrenia.

It sucks. It could be better, it could be a lot worse. I wish it wasn’t lifelong. If only I had a dollar for every pill I’ve swallowed. US Dept of Health and Human Services puts it in the top 10 most debilitating and expensive disabilities. Treatment options are, well, they could be better, they could/have been a lot worse.

Weird replying to myself. :slight_smile: Wanted to add that if given the choice, I would not have it cured if such a scenario arose. I think a lot of us have a lot of life experience others may not ever be exposed to. It’s weird to find solace in the agonial, but there it is.

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