Schizophrenia cure?


But we want results sooon

Also, when I hear the word ā€˜genesā€™, I tune out. I always hear ā€˜geneticā€™ and ā€˜couldā€™ together and it always leads to nothing. Iā€™d love to be wrong someday.

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I wonder if Noopept would help since it increases BDNF. A lot of things increase BDNF. For example, Latuda increases it in the pre frontal cortex. So does exercise and ECT.

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Whatā€™s this? Does it have to do with neural plasticity?

Edit: So DTNBP1 has to do with BDNF. Got it.

On other sites of this article some are calling a cure, but I chose an article with this headline so it doesnā€™t get peopleā€™s hopes up. I remember not long ago they discovered 80 genes, so have they narrowed it down to just these 2 genes. They need to make a medicine for these 2 genes and hopefully we are a step closer to a real cure.

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Can you link the other websites that are calling this a cure?

Iā€™m taking Aniracetem. Hereā€™s what I found:

Aniracetam also seems to increase the expression of BDNF, an important protein found in the brain that promotes the growth of new neurons and synapses as well as insuring the survivability of existing neurons.

Brain plasticity-based ā€œcognitive trainingā€ elevates BDNF - By Dr. Merzenich.

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I admit I often donā€™t take the full dose of clozaril. Iā€™ve been taking the full dose for 2 days and itā€™s made me worse not better. I donā€™t understand this

I think that this is good news, it may be too late for me to have any gene therapy but younger generations may benefit greatly from this knowledge.