You’re mother attempted suicide and you were aggressive towards your father and you think they hospitalized you to break you. That’s a delusion too. For one to attempt suicide something must be very wrong in that persons life, I know because I’ve been there, I feel for your mother. Her options are to let you live in your delusions or help you and she tried to help you. Too bad you can’t see that. Even though people keep saying for you to get help you refuse and think you are fine. Let me tell you, you’re not.
Your parents tried to help you, not break you. You are broken because you have an illness, and that’s not your parents fault.
Parents make mistakes, nobody’s perfect. You can choose to blame them for your own shortcomings or live a more fulfilled life and go get help because you are sick.
You continuosly keep pushing on other members of this site you are against medication but you said so yourself you didn’t have any delusions while on meds. I’m thankful for meds because I don’t hallucinate that demons are trying to take over peoples souls anymore. I’m thankful my mom hospitalized me because I thought I was just great, but in the meanwhile my brain was failing me.
Everyone here told you you are delusional so you might just try and listen to others instead of trying to sell others the belief that you are just great without medication when clearly you are not.
I know you are worried that medications will dull you, but that’s not always the case. When I first started medications, I became much smarter. I was able to solve math problems I couldn’t comprehend before. Now it’s not the case, but that could be from multiple causes. Imagine not having your delusion and being preoccupied with it. Imagine all that free cognitive energy you would have available. You could probably do more and achieve more. The longer you’re psychotic, the more damage you’ll be doing to your brain.
I know that in your current condition this is difficult to grasp. But you keep missing the point of what others tell you.
Your parents tried to help you, not break you.
You still need help, you are not doing all right and it will get worse. I’m sorry to be the one that tells you this but your delusions are not fading, and now you are refusing to see them as delusions. Like @astefano said, the longer you’re psychotic the more damage it will do to your brain (where your consciousness resides)
Please, talk to your therapist. There are other ways to cope with this without meds.
Its better for you to deal with this head on now, before you get hospitalized again.
The day will come, when the next thing you’re going to lose is more important to you than not taking meds. Unfortunately with delusional disorder which you claim to have, there’s only a 50/50 chance meds will help you.
What will you do when you’re in the unlucky 50% that aren’t helped by meds?
Shouldn’t you find out if meds can help you while you can? You can always stop taking them if you want.
Are you really smarter off medications? You cannot even apply basic critical thinking skills. Like others have wrote, you would be dead or in a coma if you were injected as many times as you thought. Medications would restore your critical thinking skills and rid you of that delusion. I think being more creative off medications is another delusion you have.
I would also note here that @waterway has indicated that her illness contributed to her losing her job.
@saurav1, you have already let this illness destroy your peace of mind, your marriage and your relationship with your family. How much more are you going to let it take from you?
But your description of how you see what’s going on makes it difficult for me to think that injection is your only delusion. I’m sorry, but you seem very paranoid and unstable.
It’s frustrating to read your posts insisting that the way to wellness is to stay off meds. You seem like one of the more unwell people here.
The thing here is that saurav stated that meds got rid of his delusions but he felt the meds changed him and he didn’t like it. One of the things he stated was his view on life, and his creativity. I think a simple med change would help him.