If you were diagnosed with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective, I was wondering how many people go and food shop by themselves?
Can you go to the supermarket and food shop for yourself alone? or do you usually go with someone else when food shopping?
Maybe you do it online?
I sometimes will go by myself and food shop, if the list is not too long, but I have to be in a stable mood to do so.
The market is not too far from my home.
Other times I will either go with my Dad or rely on him to pick up food items for me.
I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder, and have a lot of anxiety and Agoraphobia.
I go with my mom due to my social anxiety and shyness, not cause of my schizophrenia. Funny part is that I do enjoy going out so any chance there’s a time I can join for a car ride or short walk, I tag in…
We go to town once a week, and the people who live in the apartment program of the assisted living center where I stay do their grocery shopping then. I always know what I am going to get, and it doesn’t take me long to find everything I need. I make a list before I go. For a pretty good while now I have been buying a lot of these microwavable sandwiches at the Dollar Tree. Most of the meals I eat don’t cost much more than one dollar.
I shop online and rarely go into a supermarket. Before doing it online my shopping was very piecemeal ie what I could carry in 2-3 cloth bags, The sheer choice in the big supermarket used to make me feel overwhelmed. Also searching for items in the aisles was never easy.
I do a better shop online and finding searching for products via a computer much easier. I do buy a lot of ready meals though and am not good at buying to prepare from scratch or the essentials that are handy go tos for a lot of dishes. I have never been able to work out a week’s own cooked meals and there is always the issue of short sell by dates when I buy ingredients for more than one or two meals from scratch.
I get by but I’m not a good shopper.
I go myself, but only early in the morning when there aren’t many people out. Like, around 7 a.m.
My agoraphobia is more of an issue in regards to going out.
mrs.sith gives me a colour coded list…to follow.
the supermarket is familiar to me…so i know where things are !?!
but i went shopping for jeans/clothes yesterday…first time in twenty years.
normaly mrs. sith orders it over the internet…i have a dark lord uniform !?!
take care
no i have no problem with food shopping at all unless i’m in pain but i do tend to go early or late to the big supermarket so that i don’t get trolley rage
I do my own shopping without issue. Prefer to go without my wife, but that’s because shopping is an Experience for her. She circles the store at least three times and has to touch everything. I make my list, I’m in, and I’m out. I can hit three stores in 60 minutes and be on my way home. Takes a full afternoon with Mrs. Pixel in tow. I find the crowds in shops stressful and minimize my exposure.
Not that I don’t like my wife, but we’re not compatible in this one department. I don’t think she understands how much trouble I have with it because I present as too “normal” out of habit now.
Getting to the corner mom and pop for milk and bread and cereal… not an issue at all…
Going to the big QFC for real shopping… It’s a Friday night… around 9 or 10 p.m. when the store is nearly empty… I go with my sister… If I don’t make it on Friday night… I can go Sunday Morning early… again… when the store is empty… and I go with my sister.
If a market is busy and it feels like people are always following me… it’s noisy… people treat me like I’m in their way… it’s too stressful… and it really makes my skin crawl.
I don’t like checkouts especially if the checkout person rushes the items through. The rehab team when I was under them made me use self service. It was all right when they were with me but I would be too scared of taking too long and annoying people to do it on my own.
I have no problem going shopping on my own on meds. In fact I enjoy it. Off meds is a nightmare though. I get so paranoid and delusional in public spaces. Meds work wonders for me. Its magic
Years ago when I was in hospital I spent a little time in the rehab house within the hospital grounds. As part of being there we were given a budget and expected to shop with it. I knew nothing and a bossy but ill informed older woman patient and my own immaturity at the time had me rebelling and messing around during shopping trips. I used to chuck whole chickens in the trolley. The bossy woman insisted we could only eat things like pig’s liver which she insisted in cooking from frozen (salmonella alert) which was cooked in a watery gravy with frozen peas chucked in .
I also tried to do a cookery course in OT where 3-4 of us shopped for and prepared a 3 course meal . I got chucked off the course for bad behaviour which amounted to difficulty using a potato peeler. They thought,because they were clueless twats,that I was doing it deliberately.