Hi All, I’m back. This time with problems insurmountable unless somebody helps me! I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia twenty years ago and medicated on numerous different antipsychotics at numerous times. I was reaching rock bottom on piportal when offered Latuda. I accepted Latuda and things got better. But I started to panic every night an hour after eating it. Then the panic attacks became more frequent. Now I suffer intense fear which is worse when I think about it. my heart races a million miles an hour. I feel so spiritual I think I might die and sometimes I think it’s possible I’m dead already. The medical team representative in North Hertfordshire Mental Health Trust say there’s nothing they can do. I have an appointment team I see once every three months and the Psychiatrist says he doesn’t think I need anything else but at worse he would offer clozopin which I believe will ruin my memory which Latuda restored. it might effect my blood count which is bad anyway. it’s a drug I fear. The head clinical psychologist terminated therapy early with immidiate effect. he spoke about himself full time without listening. on the tenth session I felt so frustrated I wanted to cry. I began hallucinating full time. then I moaned about him in the appointment team consultation and he ended therapy point blank immediately. I lost my parents support due to the fact they need a calm retirement. I felt such shame in front of my sister I won’t speak to her. I have no friends. I have one lovely husband and three dependent guinea pigs who have the best life ever. however I’m so scared. Do I try Klonopin? Do I wait to die from anxiety? Am I already dead? Yours fearfully and indebted, Fiona
Do I try Klonopin?
We’re you offered it?
nope I was only offered clozopin…
You are alive.
I received a prescription for propanolol (US) because I experience awful panic and fear which I was convinced would kill me. Propanolol takes away some of the physical sensations because it’s a beta blocker. Wonder if you could request something along those lines?
I hope you feel better.
I see, thanks. Are you sure because the main problem is I’m intensely spiritual and scared of it!
If they offered it to you it must be a serious situation I guess. It’s a serious med for a serious situation. Maybe start a thread here asking about people’s experience of clozapine.
ok. will do. I can’t try it immediately. here in the uk we blood test weekly to start with and I’m going to Canada for two weeks… feel like I’m going to die though…
My son has been through hell and back for about three years on various medications with no relief. has been on Klonopin for only a few weeks now and I am already starting to see a big difference with him. His not the one to ask as he has an acid nausea so he is not able 2 differentiate the symptoms that he is having with his hallucinations and paranoia as anything different from reality as he used to know it. Klonopin works differently on the brain and I think it is worth a try it just has a bad reputation because of the blood count but this is only in about 1% certain people and they test your blood regularly. Quality of life is essential. Good luck.
I’d like to encourage you to join our forum for Family and Caregivers that can be found at:
While this is a peer support forum for people with schizophrenia and other closely related psychotic disorders, the Family forum is specifically for people like yourself, who have a loved one they are concerned about.
Also, please let your loved one know about this forum as they may find it helpful.
Best of luck,
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