Schizoaffective is now officially schizoa

Its been decided by the high courts of the holy witnesses that schizoaffective has officially been shortened to schizoa disorder. Schizoa sounds nicer too like pangeia or something. From now on if anyone asks im gonna say i have schizoa. They might even think thats like a kidney problem.


Woo. I have schizoa. Reminds me of the word Boa as in boa constrictor.

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I usually refer to myself + sometimes others as schizo. Schizoa adds flair, kind of like Father Guido Sarducci would say. Spellcheck doesn’t accept the word.

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Spell check and auto correct spell realization and realisation like this respectively. I sometimes wonder if the UK spell it with an “S” and the United States spells it with a “Z”

Yeah - and I never know myself which way to spell it. I’ll go with the Z. Thanks. @Apathy.

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They do! :monkey::monkey:


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