Schizoaffective fits

I heard music once again last night as I woke up and was drifting back off to sleep again. I feel schizoaffective is the dx that fits.

Stick with it then

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Do you see a psychiatrist? If not I highly recommend it

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I don’t see the same one , always a different one.

Oh. Well at least you see someone. Are you on meds?

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Yes i take abilify.

Oh okay. How often do you hear things?

Only at night when I wake up and drifting to sleep.

Okay. I kinda know the feeling. When I’m going to sleep sometimes I hear a man or woman yell. We have a humidifier too that I feel like sounds like a big band or a rock band. But that’s not really hearing things. Just sounds weird. My mom hears music in it too and she isn’t schizo anything

Yes I hear it when the fan is going… which is weird.

Yes! Fans make some of the oddest noises! I hear things in my AC

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I told you @Milly
These night time twilight hallucinations where one is half awake and half asleep are normal and not considered true hallucinations.

I get these hypnopompic/hypnagogic hallucinations all the time.
I see these large crab like creatures climbing the walls and intruders in my kitchen.

These kind of “hallucinations” are not indicators whether you have schizoaffective disorder or not.


But you may very well have schizoaffective disorder.

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It feels like the radio is going in the middle of the night. It’s pretty scary.


My mental health team call these pseudo hallucinations. Or tell me they’re not hallucinations. I don’t think I hallucinate like some of you here do, but I do have delusions.


I get this too @Milly. Everyone tells me it is completely normal. So, don’t jump to the conclusion that you are sza. Consult with your pdoc.


If you’re only hearing things when you sleep/first wake, consider yourself lucky. I got that dang chatter in my ear all day long, man does it get old! Thank goodness they’re not calling me names anymore.

I’m SZA too but I never question my diagnosis, because I had a pretty accurate Bipolar 2 diagnosis most of my life until 30 when I got delusions and hallucinations, which shifted the diagnosis to schizoaffective disorder.


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