Scared straight ! haven't had a cigarette in two days!

When you fail once I find it helps best to look at what you did when you failed last and then try something different. It’s unlikely repeating the same tactic for the millionth time that’s already failed a million times is suddenly going to succeed. So if you haven’t tried weaning off before with patches/gum or tried anti craving meds, maybe you should give them a go!

Don’t feel bad it’s taken you so long, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances there is and one of the hardest to quit. For most smokers it takes many tries so you are not alone.


thanks @Anna I easily could’ve bought cigs all day today and I never even was tempted once…that impresses me since it’s only day two…or night two now…I can’t really afford any nicotine patches or gum…that’s my favorite is the gum…but it’s thirty dollars a box and I don’t like still being addicted to the nicotine…one more day of not smoking and I should feel no withdrawal anymore…

We learned in my pharmacology class that many people don’t want to use the gum or patches because they’re expensive-however cigarettes long term are way more expensive!! How much would you spend a week on a pack or two of cigarettes a day?

It’s good you’re doing well so far though :slight_smile: Just things to fall back on if you do get cravings. Also you may want to look into vaping. I am not 100% sure on this so you should research first, but I heard that vaping is better for you than smoking a cigarette because it does not use all the same toxins, it’s supposed to be mostly just nicotine and vapor. Still better to quit altogether but if you can’t, maybe that could be an alternative? Again research that first though because I have only heard that by word of mouth.

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thanks…I am just going to keep going cold turkey…of all the people I know on here that have stayed quit…they all stopped cold turkey…just be done with it.

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@jukebox best wishes. You can do it. :slight_smile:

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Today will be day 3 or is day 3 over already? If so, the nicotine is out of your system completely within 48-72 hours, so now it’s all mental addiction :smiley: You seem like when you want to get something done, you make it happen, so it should be smooth sailing going forward.

Good luck the rest of the way, jukebox! The only part about quitting smoking I hated is I was also taking zyprexa at the time, so I had cravings to eat 24/7, and I gained about 60 pounds of weight when I quit over the course of 3-4 months.

Don’t be like me XD


You’ve got this. It will be one of your best decisions


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