Say Anything Thread (continued)
anything thread
I sometimes hate my anima
Or do I hate myself because I have one and it’s part of me?
It’s not good regardless
I think I have womb envy because when I am really not okay I grab a potato and hold it and take a nap on the couch, like nurturing and caring for the potato. I’ve got a potato resting on my chest while I am laying down right now. I like to go to sleep holding it then wake up to a warm potato.
One time it was a whole bag of potatoes.
I think I might be autistic
Autism is one of the disorders in my thesis
dang I missed that
Back when times were really rough, I ordered at least 100 books on Amazon in a span of 6 months. I don’t think I ever read through one book all the way. I sold about half of them to the local bookstore once I realized I was hoarding books. Now that I’m doing better and can read whole books I want some of them back so I might go and find them at the bookstore. Lol
Mouse, this is a book about sanity (not in the context of psychosis, more in the context of the average person), oriented towards psychology, though not mainstream psychology. I haven’t read through all of it but I liked what I read.
i like money and money likes me…$$$…
2 mugs of coffee and heap of tabacco smoking…
Nah man money only wants you for your nuts.
@pedro: I know you’ll appreciate this: I netted $175 in 6 hours today and it was a slow day.
a sz chedda master (my new handle)
creep on repeat
I’ve managed to postpone something till after Christmas. Yay viva la procrastination!
I am told not to get emotional. I am told to stay positive all the time.
I know I need to use words that are uplifting. I know I should say things that are upbuilding.
I will never stop practicing Jesus’ golden rule.
Irritated switched phones yesterday, and they tell me that due to programming the phone before I received it, that I went over my data for the month and they are charging me 80.00. As of this minute, I have not had the phone 16 hours.! Consumers Cellular sucks!!
I’m not going to eat other than diet shakes till Christmas 2015 December 24th
Day 1
good man, your luck is in,
could i ask why? @CloudDog
How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you’re not here I’m suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all