Let’s do this!
Hey beetle bud, how’s it going?
Hey hey, got first post.
I wish I could give ya a cool prize.
I’m doing well. A little bored, but well.
How about yourself?
You are too fast
I’m doing okay, other than the usual pre-work anxiety. My shift starts in two and a half hours.
Oh yeah I hear ya man. I remember those feelings, the stomach butterflies and stress.
Hopefully your night will have some nice quiet moments.
Yeah, I can hope. It will probably be busy, though, like last night.
I think it’s kick ass how you always add animal emojis to your replies.
for the past week or so, when i lay down at night i’ve been fantasizing about my afterlife. will i wake up at an earlier date to relive my life? what will happen? i try to make up my own truth an will it to happen.
Still Doing Music Research Within The Constructive Riot Within The Webbing Particles of Connectivity.
Going to Be Working On My Second Album Soon (!!!)… . …
Thanks. Just trying to keep it fun.
Good news fellow Americans, they’re getting closer to making a deal on the current stimulus package.
More details should be available later tonight.
Just ate some enchiladas.
Hope everyone is doing well. I’m having a pretty good day.
I got to see my mom!
went over to mom and dad’s earlier, i had 7 pieces of pizza, sweet lord i feel so fat. then we all took turns playing a song on alexa while having a drink, no buzz but i got the hiccups haha.
dreading tomorrow, nothing to do. the weather wont warm back up for a couple weeks im guessing so im just going to be inside everyday.
im trying to figure out why im having such a hard time with this social distancing, considering i always social distance. im not sure to be honest, my life is no different than before.
o and i came up with a more realistic schedule
10am wake have coffee
11am walk on treadmill
12pm-3pm listen to talk radio, eat lunch, get online
3pm- yard work
4pm shower and shave
5pm- home chores
6pm- eat dinner
7pm-9pm guitar practice
9pm-12am- get online, listen to music
12am-10am sleep.
Yummy! I love enchiladas
Whenever I go to any Mexican restaurant that’s what I usually order. And they usually make it for me if it’s not on the menu haha.
That’s great to hear though, that you got to see your mom and eat a nice meal.
That’s awesome
Thanks, yeah the enchiladas were so good.
How are you doing?
Just watched good will hunting! Had some beer now I’m watching OJ 25 … How’s it going today for everyone else???
@raelyn218. I read on the last say anything about your daughter who wins fart contests against her brothers. That reminds me of my daughter’s belching abilities. Haha . Crazy stuff. And she’s a little thing too. About 5’ tall.
@Loke she’s about 4’11" or so 80 pounds. She can burp pretty good depending on the pop she drinks, Dr. Pepper in a can or A&w root beer in a can are best bets.
At my brother’s wedding in October she and my best friend had a burping contest, cause that’s how our small group rolls. Best friend won, but she’d had 2 rum and Cokes before Raina had her pop, so unofficially a head start, lol.