Say anything part 2

Haha. I wanna say, “A cabin in the woods.” but that sounds just as bad.

I’m looking at cottages in fields on the north atlantic coast as we speak. I think this dream is universal, with just a few personal quirks.


I got home from a stressful day, took a shower, ate some strawberries, and a clump of my uterus lining about the size of a baseball fell out of me. It waited until I was at home and relaxed.

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I’m visiting my mom and sister. It’s been a good day. I even swam in the pool today. The day has been pretty nice and warm outside. I’ve been thinking about getting a vape to reduce in smoking cigarettes, I don’t know much about vapes these days if anyone would care to share some information on a good vape i’d be grateful.

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I don’t understand why I have been having so much trouble with my little sisters lately…I was fine all of today and then they come home from school and basically just say hi to me and I’m immediately in a terrible mood and just want to be away from them. It doesn’t make any sense!! I love them, so why can’t I stand being around them?? It’s bad enough to where the past couple of times I hung out with them I had gotten tipsy first to be able to tolerate it.

When I left home I was so irritable until I finally got to my apartment and was alone again. I don’t know what happened…

I don’t know why Anna but sometimes that happens. I sometimes feel that way when I visit my mom’s house. Sometimes I get in a lousy mood. Luckily it does not happen so often.

I just started vaping so I can make some recommendations! Here are a couple good starter kits:



Either of those would be solid. The Zelos comes with an internal battery, and the Pico would need a separate battery that does not come with the kit. Here’s a battery that would work for it:

The starter kits will come with a couple replacement coils but you’ll need to buy more eventually. Remember to prime the coils before use-- you can watch a youtube vid on it, it’s easy to do. And then you’d just need some e-liquid of your choice (I shop from for that), and you’re ready to go. For a heavier cigarette-like feel, go with about 9mg of nicotine, or 3 to 6 mg for a lighter feel. Hope this helps.

I love vaping!

Thanks for that. They’re both within my budget. I’m looking into them right now. Which one would you say is better between the two?

I would say the Pico because once the Zelos’ battery burns out you basically have to buy a new unit. You can just replace the battery on the Pico. Btw I noticed both products are out if stock on that site but if you google istick pico starter kit there are other sources.

I’ll look into it. I think that site you showed me has good prices, maybe that’s why they’re sold out.

Here’s another source:

And the battery:

It’s 2 am and I’m teaching myself Japanese. I took beginner Japanese in college and was sad when I didn’t have room in my schedule to pursue it further. So I got myself several textbooks and am refreshing what I learned and figuring out more.

To be honest I’ve gotten anxiety over sleeping ever since my nightmares started back up, so I’m trying to stay up as late as possible every night.

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I just have to do stuff this weekend, first weekend off and my place is a mess, need to put money in the bank, do paper work, clean, do laundry, the lists goes on

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I went shopping, got socks, jeans and lounging pants, was going to get a hat, belt but they had none :frowning:

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I’ve got a lot of laundry staring at me, but here I sit, thinking of all the other stuff to do that makes my head swim.
Paperwork to be sorted and filed, gather up some important papers, check on my mom at her house, sweep the floors-too much cat hair, maybe break out the shop vac…
Nah, a cup of coffee and a hard boiled egg wins for now.

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Get to it, I got a lot to do to, think I will nap first

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I’m going back to bed too. Nothing holds my attention. Maybe a nap will help, couldn’t hurt.

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Nightmare last night. (Technically morning as I couldn’t fall asleep until 6 am) My family and I moved into our new house. We got to pick our rooms. I picked the most beautiful room, it looked like a tropical jungle with real plants and everything. I was excited. Everything was going well until night, when I tried to go to sleep. I noticed there were insects everywhere in the room. And not just tiny insects, HUGE ones. For example there were mosquitos the size of humming birds. I was slapping at them only to realize some of them were wasps!! I was tossing back and forth for ages trying to ignore them but it was impossible. Then I made the mistake of lying on my back and saw tons of these blue spiders the size of my fist hanging from the ceiling right above me. I flipped out and bolted out of the room.

So I go to my brothers room. There are two beds in there, and for some reason they were both crammed into one of the beds so I thought I’d take the other. But they also had plants in their room, and there were gross bugs there too, so I left. I went downstairs and saw my dad and brother watching TV. My mom was making breakfast or something. I told her about the bugs and my terrible sleep and she said my dad had woken her up in the middle of the night and complained of bad sleep as well, said “Charlie” had been bothering him, Charlie being some sort of monster or demon. She hadn’t had any issues and had fallen back asleep. I felt bad my dad had to deal with that alone as I knew what it felt like to be up tormented by scary things all night even with someone sleeping soundly by you being no help at all.

So then my mom leaves to go somewhere and I am curious about what my other brother’s night was like so I go to his room, and he had the smallest room and it was totally normal, no jungle or plants. I said he was lucky for that as I didn’t have to deal with any massive bugs. He said he didn’t feel lucky and that this room was bad too. He said he had woken up at night to use the bathroom and had gotten lost and couldn’t find the way out for some reason, despite the room physically being very small. Then he said there was a malevolent spirit in there, a woman…I asked what she looked like and he showed me a picture he drew…it was a woman with long hair and a rotting face…

And as he showed me the picture she appeared and began chasing me…I started freaking out. I was screaming “MOMMY” over and over again and crying. I ran away as fast I could and got to the garage just in time for my mom to pull back in. Without stopping to say anything I got in my car and drove right past her and away. That’s where the dream ended.

I feel some sort of entity is using my dreams to torment me but I know that is probably the sleep deprivation talking.

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I’ve been hallucinating a LOT, talking to entities and God, getting a lot of strange thoughts I know can’t be true but FEEL true, and last night I was getting paranoia again even though I haven’t had an attack of that in months. I’m anxious, I’m very anxious. And these nightmares…dear lord…why…

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