Who will be first this time?
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol I was just about to say I’m first lol
Ok ok I will share 1st with you
Yay we are tied lol
I bet Iguana’s lay eggs as well.
I’d like to go to Iguana sometime. I hear they have good tacos
Edit. Tijuana.
Iguanas are experts at laying eggs. 1 minute there sleepin then boom ya got 6 eggs.
see he just woke up and bam half dozen just like that.
Wait is it a he or she?
Do male iguanas do the egg laying or do they assist with the hatching?
Or maybe they guard the eggs
Iguana protecc
He attacc
But most important
He got yo bacc
@Pandy volunteered to watch over the eggs
They look like they are glowing. . Creepy alien eggs
My brother had an iguana for 12 years. They produce eggs, but if there’s no male to fertilize them, they absorb them back into their bodies. Ew.
I is for, Is my foot okay? Looks kinda yellow.
The nurse says it’s just a cleaning agent lol
Lions mane counter acts with this nerve blocker and sort of makes me dizzy and nauseated
But I must continue my routines
Iguana do some dancing.
Do velociraptors lay eggs?
Edit: I guess that’s a rhetorical question…I believe they do
Yo momma laid the egg, I be the one who fertilized it, yo.
I’m the 17th poster! I got an onion and chili powder from the store… Would anyone like to be my friend?
Ah be yo fren
You should try that on some corn maybe good
It’s funny you mention that because I’m planning on adding a can of corn to my next batch of chili
Evening crew. How’s the day been?
Llama took way too late of a nap, I’m gonna be up half the night.
Tea and music, everyone else went to bed, corgi and I on guard duty. We’ll take first watch.
Not much to say, wishing everyone well.
Be safe!