Say Anything F is for Falcon

Oh, no, you were fine! I appreciated your response. And I take this “You sound pretty darn rational…” as a compliment! So, thank you. I try to be rational, as much as possible, always pushing back on my delusions. :smiling_face:


It’s funny to me, you always seem so cheerful and happy when you post. It’s often like, “Today I knitted a beanie for my relative, went to shopping to a few stores, didn’t buy anything but a pair of really comfy socks (and they always are some awesome socks), cleaned the house, fed the snake, and had dinner with my hubby! Yay!” It’s cute and refreshing to see some cheerfulness on the thread when some of us have a dark mood or a rough day. Once in awhile when you have struggles with symptoms its like, “Uh oh, there is something wrong with the cosmic balance. Blossom is upset.” And then everyone has a shitty day and the say anything is a bleak place until Monte shares the weekly horror movie commentary.


Haha! You made me smile and laugh. Thanks for that, @schizophrenisaurus! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


See that’s why you should not think about your K/D ratio in Halo Infinite while your brother is around. Just kidding, trying to make light of the situation because I know dealing with troubles like those can leave a person weary. I really hope your brother comes to the realization that medication is there to help and finally gets professional help without having to suffer legal problems or traumatic experiences.


Why thank you ma’am! :blush:

Even though I’m a fan of bizarre cinema I still try to steer people in the right direction when it comes to love and dating.


Haha! My dude I got this gigantic book today called Nightmare USA! It weighs seven pounds mane! :open_mouth:


My KD is shot from doing challenges like “get 15 kills with the ravager” (game’s worst weapon) lol. I don’t worry about it. I just play for fun.

Sounds like a potential spider masher. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sounds cool. I actually used to love reading books about hauntings. I think you’d like stuff like that. I’ve visited a few “haunted” houses. Some had eerie feelings well mostly because of the backstop and the actual building. Have you ever heard of the Winchester House in the San Jose area?

A lady who was married to the inventor of the Winchester repeater rifle built it. She was into the occult and had a fortune teller gypsy tell her she was haunted by the spirits of those who had died because of the rifle. Somehow between the two they devised the idea that she must keep building rooms in the house to confuse the spirits. There are a lot of creepy passageways, doors that don’t lead anywhere, some open, stairs that have a door in between other stair steps. It’s actually pretty cool to see. There was a feeling of a chill in the building. Many of the workers there report having experienced the haunting. Rocking chairs during after hours, doors opening and shutting randomly, sometimes slamming shut, steps behind heard on the stairs and different floors and rooms. Some are shut off from the general public so that they don’t open a door and accidentally fall from a few floors. I would not want to work there alone at night.

I used to also visit some of the Catholic missions throughout the state. Some of the gift shops had books about haunted places in California and the United States. I have been to a few. Here in San Diego we have the Whaley House. Back where I lived there was the haunted Chuck E. Cheese that was a Toys R Us before. I remember seeing a camera footage video of when it was a Toys R Us. Some of the toys were inexplicably thrown of the shelf and a toy car started rolling. Creepy stuff. Also there was a little place called Los Coches Inn. It was an Inn during the gold rush of 1849 in California. Some guy had been prospecting for gold in the river and he had a 6 pound golden nugget. A bandit entered and murdered a few people then decapitated the gold prospector. One time as a teenager at a party we got drunk and some of us drove there and broke in.

It was in disarray. Someone had painted pentagram all over the building and left some candle marks in the looks of a Satanic ritual. Another time we also went to a school that had a shoot out in the 40’s. It was night time. The buildings were abandoned. Some bats flew from the bathroom ceilings. Gosh I was a stupid kid.


i just got a message on a dating site saying hey are you fun and outgoing?


um, i think i better pass :grimacing:


LOL! What a weird question. If it was me I would write back: “Seasons greetings! Oh I’m super fun. I like to collect hunting knives and talk to the dead flies in my traps. In regards to outgoing you can often catch me hanging out in public restrooms. Have you ever been to Mexico?”



Napped, showered, shaved, put clean sheets on the bed, and started dinner, ribs.

Not half bad for a lazy day.

Be good. That’s an order. Learn of my peaceful ways or suffer my wrath!



At work there are so much pedestrians walking left to right, it’s sort of like a dating website…I can talk to them if I really want to.


LOL oh I’m behaving in spite of my mental anarchy. :wink:

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What kind of trouble are you looking to get into? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Good luck with dating sites. I never found any beyond the shallow. Depending on the site the guys can be….blunt.


Yay! Anarchy!

Lol how’s your night beetle buddy?


That really sounds like a nicer way of saying, “Are you down to ■■■■?”


Haha! :slight_smile:

My night is going great, thank you. I’m getting ready to throw together some chow.

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yes sometimes it is quite funny what they say

i am not really desperate

but just open for a relationship if it feels right

not looking for life long commitmnt though as i am not in the mindset for that atm


yea probably you are right.

it is the euphemism for sex on dating sites

these introductory one liners usually don’t impress me much :flushed:


That sounds like a wise mindset towards it. Healthy boundaries.

Good job Mae. I do hope you find a good partner.