Saturn Return

Anyone here believe in the cosmic disarray of Saturn return?

Leading up to my thirtieth year I experienced the most terrible of times. I lost my job, a relationship, got evicted, became semi-homeless and I LOST MY MOTHER…I thought I’d never see light again.
Now, at 31, things seem to be changing in a more positive direction. I’m learning to let go of things that no longer serve my purpose, depression is receding (with help of medication), I got a job after almost three years and I’m feeling much better.

Any horror stories and redemption from around your thirtieth year?

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Interesting, never heard of this.

yeah interesting i searched it. I’m a big astrology buff so i’m surprised I haven’t heard of this.

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My insane shiz started at about 24 and I just kept getting slammed. I feel things might be getting better now. Of, course it’s about growing up too, so you learn a lot during this time.

@turningthepage you’re making some big changes now. You could be experiencing Saturn’s Return. There will be obstacles.

The last 3 years of my life have been hell. At the moment it appears as if my 30th year is going to be very good though.

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the last 30 years of my life have been hell…and im only 25 years old

that just shows how shitty my life has been

welp, thats depressing

Well I’m 28 now and feel things are changing for the best, so there’s that.

I’m really happy for you @odiledecaray, hope things keep looking up!

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Fifteen straight years of horror.

Redemption rapidly approaches.

Hmm ,

What Kind Of Redemption … (???) ,

A Redemption … ,

Hmmm ,

A Redemption Place Where Tha Beautiful Angels Sing (???) ,

Where They Sing A SonggG (???) ,

A Redemption … ,

A Redemption Song (???) ,

Beauty Within Tha Eye Of Thee Holder … ,

From An Amazing Man Built Lyke Tha Most Strongest Roboticness Wise Beyond All Of Our Years Multiplied Together (???) ,


Yes Indeed It Does ,


The second Saturn return has even more impact than the first.

Here’s a link for a Saturn Return calculator. I believe in this.

That was excellent.