@sarad medication question

Can’t have it both ways i guess.

Not with that stuff. (I know about it first-hand, ya know. My sleep cycle got butchered.)

But it feels good…

Lots of things feel good. Only some of them are… oh, you know. :relaxed:

Wellbutrin kills my sleep, pretty sure and gives me rage(which motivates me).

I also drink a lot of caffeine, because I always feel physically lazy. So…

Quit the Zoloft, trying to take as little psychotropics as possible they give me heart attacks! Smooches

Zoloft (or almost any SSRI) + Wellbutrin (usually over time) + caffeine = autonomic “grind” > irritability. Not always, but way too often.

Nah, women’s neurosis is mostly a part of their repressed hysterical nature.

What does that even mean!?

I want punishment instead of ignorance.

Yup. Being ignored is a fate worse than death for those equally afraid of abandonment and abuse. (Me, too.)

Why would anyone cause such a horrible suffering?

I can’t say. But what I can say is that I always brought my suffering on myself. No one else ever made me suffer (unless I let them).

I just didn’t understand that until I understood this:






Alright, got it. You said it could happen.
Still hurts. Very, very, very bad.

Check email, not IM.