Safe Benzodiazepine Use and Preventing Related Falls | Temple Health

I came off of a benzodiazepine (Ativan) a couple of weeks ago after taking it daily for a month…it was physically and psychologically painful. I had panic attack after panic attack and my whole body would go tense and i had an irresistable need to pace and wiggle my body. I will never take any of that crap again!


The article points out problems happen when taken not as prescribed.

It’s only noted as a caveat, it’s not the whole article. The article talks about normal use. The other article talks about Xanax and the elderly. Have a good evening. It is widely misused though, especially amongst the mentally ill, so noted. Thanks

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I’ve been on daily benzos since May or June now due to being in hospital.

But I think I can stop them when I’m home next week.

I’ll stop suddenly cos it’s only 0.5 clonazepam.

Supposedly stopping suddenly can cause seizures. But I think that’s for higher doses.

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