So one of my daughter’s friends is always sad fishing on social media…looking for pity…etc.
My girl is really good friends with her, but is getting very irritated by it. I just told my girl to be supportive, try to get her to be more positive…and to not feed into it.
My advice would be that it is okay to draw clear boundaries for herself. This is so hard for especially young girls to learn, because of social pressure. But it is okay for her to say to her friend “I can be there for you between this time and this time. Other than that, you need to ask someone else for support.” If she is part of a close friend circle, her friends can take shifts. This is what we did for a friend who had a bad breakup when I was a kid. Everyone agreed to answer messages during a certain 2 hour window, and for times we were asleep, we gave her the number for the crisis text line (741-741). That way, none of us got overwhelmed by our friend’s depression, and she still got the support she needed.