Sad bc I’m not posting; not posting bc I’m sad

But my bro’s got a foot problem which became a knee problem and he’s possibly gonna get bloodwork done bc it’s been mysterious.

I guess I derive too much from his happy family but St. Pat’s dinner was a bust and we think he and his wife were fighting.

All the work for the baby has fallen on his wife’s shoulders…

It’s enough to get me down.


I’m sorry @anon64158233
Yes my family’s well being is important to me also.

Hope things work out for you and your brother.


That’s a bummer, hopefully some of that gets resolved soon. It’s hard not to take our loved one’s troubles on as our own


Yeah I’ve kept my head in the sand a lot on it actually but a family friend said to my mom today they still thought it could be gout since drinking is present in his life.

My sister in law was uttered the phrase autoimmune and that is what is gnawing at me since I lost a dog to an autoimmune disease…


I’m so sorry. Hopefully your brother can quit the drinking if it is gout.

Take care.


It’s hard to see family having problems. I hope even turns out ok


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