Their mental health disorder causes them to act in a way that appears inappropriate or rude to others. However, the person is only reacting to their symptoms
They always found me funnier than rude. I’m not combative but I do get playful childish while psychotic. I guess it suits me well. For a little bit. Till I’m screaming naked running down the hallways hahahaha. Well that was only the one time hahahah
IMO there is way more wrong things in life, than rudeness
I don’t agree with rudeness just comparing it to other serious wrongs
I just don’t really have a rude Bone. Unless you really really piss me off
Then I’ll tell ya I fd ur mother and stole her panties from her drawer afterward to hang as souvenir flags. Hahahaha
Same as me
I am mostly sweet I was told
I am God-fearing so I watch my words with others in conversations
I still need to improve and work on other traits
I mean mental illness is a huge burden to bear. Sometimes even a small setback can be the straw that broke the camels back, and so we react. It’s the same with any illness or challenge. A lot of us are in constant torment.
conversations and communication helps dissolve the burden imo
Sometimes I do not respond to people’s friendliness because I am used to to hearing voices/having schizophrenia so I can relate at some levels. Not to mention hearing derogatory and insulting situations in my head leaving a bad impression on me.
People who are psychotic are direct. But we forgiven, so atleast we got that going for us. Its good to be on the victory team for once
personally, i am overly polite but that’s the way i like to be.
others? hmmmm…
I also am overly polite, I have been told. It’s just oway I was raised. Say please, thank you, good phone manners, treat people with respect, hold the door for ladies, give up your seat on the bus for ladies or esp the elderly…to me these things are just the “right” thing to do. I don’t impose on others to do the same, I just like to do it
I have a mental illness.
I do work in a jobs that I can manage with reasonable accommodation.
My old coworkers joked around and said that my mother was knocked up at age 13 by my dad who was related to her
This REALLY hurt my feelings
I quit that job but some of that stuff stuck with me
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