Rise Of The Morning Sun, Fall Of A Sleepy Evening!. (Link For Zelda Inside)

So. . .

‘Scientifically, sunshine has a lot of benefits for our bodies. Here are seven great reasons to get outside and soak in the sun’.~ (From Link For Zelda)

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.

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It’s pretty brutal where I live and it’s not recommended around lunch in summer to be out for too long. Melanoma is a serious reason to avoid the sun and it’s drummed into us from early. Still. I get way too much than I should.

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From My Slightly Uneventful Stance, That Disease Seems Kinda Obsolete. . .

It’s One Thing To Own A Home Near The Beach & Spend Endless Amounts Of Hours In Direct Sunlight.

And It’s Another To Give Yourself 20 Min.s A Day To Be At Least Closer To The Sun Than Usual. . .

Words Thrown About (Like Melanoma), To Prove A Point Is Highly Illogical Star Trek Speech And Such To Keep Captain Kirk From Getting Surprisingly Attacked By Vicious Aliens.

Because That’s Bad Mmmkay!.

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!. :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

There’s nothing healthy about a tan. If your skin is changing color it’s damage. Perhaps you’d have a different spin on it if you lived in the tropics.


If You Are Able To Prove That Strange Statement With A Logical Link. I May Agree. . .

Until Then, Highly Illogical Captain!. As Some Starry Eyed Team Member Would Say. . .

In Star Trek Of Course (!!!).

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!. :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

There’s nothing healthy about a tan. You do your own research and you’d be surprised.


Thank You @rogueone, But No Thanx!.

On The Subject Of Sunlight Rays And It Being Harmful. . .

I Personally Am Not Afraid Of The Sun. To Be Honest I Need More Of It. . .

The Warmth Of A Summer Sun Is Incomparable. . .

And Changing Colour As You Say, Is Healthy Proof Of Studying Nature In A Remarkable Way. . .

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!. :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

I’m sure you are quiet happy in your world so I’ll leave you there. I’ve lost people to melanoma and it really is serious business and frollicking in the sun is serious business here too. All’s I said was that there are quite proven things about getting sun and I’d imagine 30 minutes at noon in our climate would certainly be there.

Hmm. . .


There’s A Few Hours Before And After That Point. . .

So Be It.

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!. :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

I avoid the sun. Not only do I not need a tan, (I’m dark enough thankyou), but I don’t desire skin cancer.

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You’re Welcome?.

N e Hoo. . .

The Sun Can Be Valued, Appreciated, And Loved Without Having To Worry For No Good Reason.

It’s A Lightweight Balance Of Commonsense Really.

Listen To Your Body’s Personal Requirements And Follow The Horizon Accurately. . .

Kinda Like Life In General. . .

Not Too Much.

And Not Too Little.

It’s Simple Really. . . . . . .

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

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