if i was super rich i would live where i used to live in SA out in the country.
im not a city chick.
I watched desperate house wives of beverly hills and i would hate to live like they do.
would like all the money but would hate all the parties and socialising and bi tchiness, bullying , hierarchy they seem to have amoung them, and wearing high heels and make up etc every day.
one girl had a glam squad . a group of people doing her styling, hair, makeup and clothes so she looked attractive.
one girl spent $50 000 on a 3 year olds birthday party.
one girl said pretty much that she would only socialise with rich people.
i guess thats a area where you have to be rich to afford to live there.
its like another world that they have so much money.
one of them at least did dog rescue so that was good.
i like to wear no make up, ugg boots and trackies most days of the week winter time to just be warm and comfortable.
sometimes i dress up. more summer time tough.
if i was super rich i would still wear those clothes and no make up majority of the week.
i couldnt be fu cked dressing up every day. taking hours to get dolled up.
there was a time i loved night clubbing in sydney but since im sober now i am not much for socialising and i dont dance sober unless its a dance lesson i agree to at gym or rock n roll.
what i loved about sydney back in the day was people strangers spoke to me and i could easily make friends or people to hang out with.
now i have no friends. as such.
a part of me is very social and loves socialising but at same time i can become uncomfortable and tense etc around people and my favourite is in sa with x and girls thats when i was happiest.
but i have beautiful moments with my boyfriend too.
he is a great lover and he is down to earth which i am attracted to so he can understand me better.
i would hate some productive rich guy who judjes me and doesnt appreciate me just as i am as my boyfriend.
city life has its charms.
drag shows, pubs, night life, clubs,
i would love to dress up once in a blue moon and have help doing so but not every day.
a lot of gossip seems to go on too.
you can get frozen out of social life if you piss off wrong people i think and have everyone ignore you.
no if i could live anywhere in the world it would be in the country with my x and dogs and since he wont take me back i would buy my own place out there.
i would rather a one story house charming cozy and cool and gothic inside than some expensive mansion.
apartments are usually not as nice to live in when you hear your neighbours and they hear you. i hate that!
my boyfriend i love, respect and appreciate.
we have not been together that long and we only meet weekends.
i live in a area i could never afford to live in if it wasnt for my family .
still i preferred living in the place that is less than 1/4 of the price than here.
i still appreciate the beauty of where i live.
its beautiful and i love it but i love country side more.
many people who work very hard cant afford to live in this area unless they share a house or apartment with other people.
my brother lived in middle of sydney a while and said it was very expensive.