Can we please have a badge or badges showing the number of ankles bitten?
Thanks! (Rawr.)
Can we please have a badge or badges showing the number of ankles bitten?
Thanks! (Rawr.)
I second that. These kind of analytics and data would help save millions of ankles a year.
If we are ever to rid ourselves of nipped ankles, we must study what’s causing it. Where it comes from.
We have to understand the nature of of such a mysterious phenomenon.
Note to self: don’t google ankle pictures again. Funny images = 0 fetish images = infinity
That wasn’t a bit nice!
[ slithers back under couch ]
Maybe a live trap would work, bait it with an ankle. Catch and release of course.
Ancient creatures still prowl the world.
Sorry @shutterbug but @Jimbob ended up being the funniest onw on your own post
Don’t be surprised if you see him limping later.