Report: Prince left behind $25 million in real estate, a cash horde, and 67 gold bars

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All I hear from this mainly is the 67 gold bars.

I would feel tempted to try and peel the gold bars like the gold was wrapping.

“It’s not chocolate! Who would collect this… and for what?!”

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Gold should be a part of an investment portfolio for stabilization. Five years ago, gold was trading at nearly $1,900 dollars per once, and is currently trading at $1,333.80 dollars per once. People buy gold as a hedge against inflation, but inflation has decreased over the last five years.The feds raised the prime by a quarter of a percent a few months ago, so inflation will begin to rise. And so will the price of gold.


Five years ago, gold was trading at nearly $1,900 dollars per once, and is currently trading at $1,333.80 dollars per once.

That’s a pretty hefty loss, if you bought gold 5 years ago!

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True, but it’s a good investment over the long haul, for it stabilizes stocks and bonds. Inflation is going up (maybe you’ve noticed the change in the price of gasoline per gallon), stocks will begin to lose value, but gold will increase in value.

PS: When inflation rises so too does the interest rate on borrowing money (mortgages, personal loans, car loans, credit cards, etc.).

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Sounds like you know your stuff. It’s all a bit risky for someone like me! :smile:

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Closest I’ve been to gold is those little chocolate coins you get at Christmas!


Prince Mountainman would like a cut :stuck_out_tongue:

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He didn’t leave a will, so a lot of people will be looking for their cut!

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