Reoccuring theme in dreams

i keep getting attacked by animals in my dreams. its been happening for awhile. do meds have an affect on this?

Idk but I keep having a dream where I’m being bit by some kind of animal repeatedly. It’s a different animal every time and in the dream there’s always people around but no one will help.

I feel like Abilify gave me very vivid dreams. Being mauled by animals may mean feelings of being attacked by a primal force…has your psychosis been acting up lately? Or have you been feeling under attack?

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Same the animal changes everytime. Last night was squirrels

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I feel as if I’m under attack. By multiple forces. Friends family government. I feel like I’m about to enter another episode

I either dream about a neighbourhood cat that visits my backyard which I named Sooty (it was cute, she brought her kitten over one day, I called the kitten petal), or I dream about my dead nana.

I keep having a dream my step mom comes over and it ends up me feeling mixed emotions and pretty messed up. I have a hunch it might be ptsd. Do you think this might bode the same for you at all?