Reluctant to let my brother and nephew in the house

My brother called me up and invited himself and my nephew to come over our house for dinner tomorrow.
With this Coronavirus spread going around I’m very reluctant to let them come into our house.
My brother is exposed to many people everyday, he is not careful.

I don’t want him to come into our house and possibly contaminate my Father and me.

He’s really being selfish.

My Father is welcoming them to come over.

Am I being unreasonable or irrational?
What would you do?

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I think you’re being reasonable. my mom is high risk as well, but she doesn’t listen. she keeps going out and being social. she thinks it’s all a panic and media creation.

anyways what can you do? if it were me I would just take the risk and let them in but im in good physical health for the most part and would likely recover if I got sick. if you’re at risk, you have a right to be smart. tell them now is not the time and try to reschedule.

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My mom came to visit and didnt tell us in advance that she had just gotten off a flight from NYC. I was pretty pissed at her for that. Now we all have coughs and I had to cancel Starlet’s visit with his mom because she is in a risk category.


I think he’s being selfish. All you can do is explain it to him as best you can.

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I’m high risk, so is my 87 year old Father.
My Father is dying to see my brother and his grandson and won’t change his mind.

I guess I have no choice in the matter.

I’m really unhappy about the situation.


Can you guys not facetime or something ?


I agree with @everhopeful . facetime seems like a good compromise for the time being.


Both my brother and Father are stubborn and pigheaded.
They won’t change their mind.

My brother is not open to FaceTime


I’m so pissed off!
My brother is a selfish self centered ass!

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My Father decided that he wasn’t going to invite my brother and nephew over for dinner.
Instead he’s going to cook dinner and have my brother quickly pick it up at our house.

Smart move.
It’s about time.


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