Hospital is over. It was a painful anxious ativan driven 6 days but i made it. Now im back on the outside wondering how to proceed. I feel alone and isolated from the rest of the world but i have come out with a greater wisdom then i did going in. Im now 7 days sober because of my stay and plan to keep it that way. Having some ativan withdrawals but i guess thats natural. Hoping that life throws me something good this time around. Just don’t assume and i think i’ll be ok.
Im really scared and anxious though
After two days in the hospital 5 months ago, it took me about a month to feel normal again. That month was miserable.
But with help from people on this site, I am back to work and doing better. If only our cat wasn’t so skittish around me and the other residents my life would be perfect.
Glad to hear you again, @Kazuma. Good luck😀
For what it’s worth, I’m in the same boat.
Hospitalised at the height of a manic psychotic episode and released 7 days later without anyone even bringing it up with me. No discharge plan, no follow-ups organised, no nothing. They took me OFF all my meds and didn’t even continue the valium I was on while in there. (Yeah that’s very negligent.)
For all they knew I could’ve been just as delusional as the moment I walked in. And truth be told, I was still delusional and manic when discharged, I was just too sedated to outwardly demonstrate it - and too introverted and distrusting to act in any way other than the most normal I could. Surely it doesn’t take a genius to realise which of your behaviours cost you your freedom and how to regulate them in order to regain it?
I felt the same sense of anxiety, isolation, confusion etc. entering the real world again. If it was relying on my own perception that got me in there in the first place, how can now be any different?
Joining this forum has probably done more for me than the hospital stay itself - at least in terms of adjusting my thoughts to line up with reality again. Though I definitely needed the intervention in order to snap me out of the mania. I was at the point that I would have shouted my beliefs to everyone who would behold me (and I’m shy and reserved) - and if it weren’t for the paranoia, I would have too.
@Kazuma I’m glad to hear that you’re out of the hospital and that your goal is to stay sober. Do you have an outpatient treatment plan to help you both with your mental health and with your sobriety? I hope you continue to feel better. Take care.
I’m glad you’re back kazuma, glad you’re taking sobriety seriously too. More sobriety = less time in the hospital .
Remember that you’ll always have people who will listen to you here.
I am really, really struggling with maintaining sobriety right now.
My physical health has deteriorated to the point that I have had to go stay with my parents. My mental health is well … if I don’t make a list of things I need to do, I’m lucky if I’ll even remember to breathe. Then there’s the issue of remembering to read the list. I haven’t written one yet.
Nonetheless, a struggle shared is a struggle divided!
U gotta stay sober or u’ll end up like me. 7 days in a place where u don’t want to be
Don’t worry, I learnt my lesson. More than once too. Hopefully enough times now