I have been about 6 months with no news app and checking it once per day only on a web browser. Well over a year since I quit Facebook and I don’t miss that at all. Stopped watching majority political content on YouTube.
Feel almost cleansed from having to shoulder a huge amount of worry and catastrophising.
Sometimes is best not to know the ins and outs of other people’s lives, what horrible things the news makes people hooked on and drastically extracted myself from being pulled into the extremes on all sides
The world is far more complicated these days
In the early 2000’s I think things were not as bad as they are now
Technology has moved as quick as it always has but I find a lot of this on demand information for me at least creates more problems than it solves
I am all for a simple as possible life and don’t have the bandwidth to worry on behalf of all the toxic ■■■■ that goes on
We become desensitised and that is not good
My paranoia and anxiety are still there but it doesn’t invade my mind unless in public
My personal space is more of a sanctuary now and dropping this live feed of information has helped my mind not being in a constant heightened state
Its like people at work going on and on worrying about tarrifs.
The tarrifs will either happen or they wont whether you worry about it or not. The worrying doesnt produce anything helpful.
Instead they could think on just cutting back on buying 7 dollar starbucks coffees
I think when I first read that the news was bad for schizophrenics was in Fuller’s “Surviving Sz.”
Makes sense as it’s all mostly negative shite to fuel people’s paranoia about society.
I do my best to avoid the news. Especially local news that can make me scared of my own neighborhood, when in reality I live in a relatively low crime area.
Like the news is never going to say that a heroin addict just got out of federal prison and turned his life around and now runs a cat adoption agency. LOL.
They will tell you though about the plentiful addicts robbing people in your neighborhood and how they apparently want all of your nice stuff.
@LevelJ1 Some people are driving themselves crazy over the tariffs. I think below it all it’s just another spy vs. spy game. Some countries want to be the dominant force. It’s all bollocks as our UK friends say.
I gave up my political interests in pursuit of sanity and happiness. It helped a lot. I fairly recently deleted my Facebook and I feel a huge relief from that. I found myself feeling jealous of others loves they displayed on FB and some people have used it in a toxic manner towards me (such as deleting me during a small argument or without even anything I did wrong) . It got too much after someone very close to me deleted me because she disagreed with a personal decision I made, even though I ended up changing my mind, she didn’t even address me about it and just deleted me. It felt pretty toxic . I don’t have nearly as many people reaching out to me and I prefer it this way. I want a small circle
News is too distracting. I can feel it’s tug and pulls me, just like social media. So I stay away. I feel relief when I’m not around those kinds of thoughts. It makes the life I’m struggling with even worse.