
I had made some progress. I quit vaping and was using nicotine pouches and slowly using less and less. I had been having good sleep for about a year. Today was the first time I have been up for over 24 hours in over a year. I also went back to vaping. My impulsive spending is back in full force. My delusions and paranoia have been skyrocketing these past two months. I still don’t hear the voices while I’m on my medication but the paranoia and delusions are now back in full force. Also I have gained a lot of weight. At least I’m still sober. How do I get out of this rut? I’m thinking about meeting with a dietician to at least get some support and help with reaching a healthy weight. Had a big wake up call. My doctor says I’m morbidly obese. I’m going to start with walking 2 miles a day and increase that by a mile every week. Also starting to do pushups again. Hoping soon I will be able to afford a gym membership to sign up for classes and do training with a personal trainer. Anyway just looking for some advice on what my next steps should be.


Try filling yourself up on healthy foods like chicken, eggs, vegetables, soups, stir frys are good and easy to make

Seems a really great goal to exercise more

Youve got a positive attitude to tackling your weight, im sure you will succeed!


Yeah I have actually been eating a bit healthier lately. I have cut soda down to 1 can a week. Although I have replaced it with juice that I water down 50% water 50% juice. I’ve been eating more fruits and vegetables. I actually have a package of chicken in the freezer. I’m going to thaw that out and use it. My mom bought me a bunch of vegetables from the grocery store that I’ve actually been eating. I’m going to quit vaping again using the app I used last time that helped me a lot.


See, your doing really well!!!

Id cut down further on the fruit juice because thats like several spoons of sugar in that.
Try minimal juice

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Yes I think you’re right. My chiropractor told me I should cut out sugar and carbs for awhile to help lose weight. I see my PCP on Thursday and am going to ask for a referral to see a dietician and from my research my insurance should cover it with minimal copay. I’m going to start by only having 1 cup of juice a day with breakfast.

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I love my carbs, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes these are all good at filling me up. As long as i have a small portion of these im good on my diet

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You make a good point. I did just figure out a good Spanish rice recipe and I have lots of rice.

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Im off to bed but i wish you good luck :crossed_fingers:

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Just one thing i remember is use your hands to measure food portion size, search this online for details


Start by improving what you are able to do. Make a list of all the changes you can make right now. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Over time your “can” list will grow and the “can’t” list will become smaller.


Thanks for the suggestion. I just did that. It’s a small list but everything on it is a good change and a place to start no matter how small it is.

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