Reflections on lyrics by Queen

So we are feeling bad with schizophrenia? Apathy, no job, no money.

I am not sure who I think I am. I am feeling a low. It is not severe. I found this song which speaks to me. I do not feel the intensity, but I do feel, “Nothing really matters to me.” I feel ashamed.

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

But what does matter? Having enough money to live on. Affording health insurance so I can get treatment when sick. Having a job that challenges me and pays my bills.

I will get upset due to boredom, then I will climb out of the hole. This is good, no?


You don’t need to feel ashamed. “nothing really matters to me” is an actual symptom of schizophrenia. It’s a symptom no one has been able to successfully treat from a clinical standpoint. Therapy can help. Forcing yourself to do things can help. But it is super hard to keep forcing yourself to do things when nothing brings you joy or satisfaction, and it is not a moral failing to be disheartened by it. I hope you can find something that matters to you soon. Keep trying new things, maybe something will stick.


I am finding this right now. With my landscaping I have postponed going back these last two days as I feel really down.

@Here4You I get what you say about songs that speak to you. That’s for sure one of the benefits of listening to music so you don’t feel alone in yourself with no one you can relate to


Any way the wind blows