Reflection, common, uncommon

I spend everyday within deep reflection.
This consistent Pondering as my nurse’s calls it, paralyse from analysis and from this is my main disability.
This can be so completely disabling for me
, to the point, this reflective mind has even helped me give up my smoking by the constant overthinking.
Does anyone else experience this


Going over things internally over and over wondering if I failed, if things were my fault and what I can change yes.

I can’t stay present in the moment cause I’m constantly in the past mentally.

Is that what you mean?

In a different sense but yes
I’m highly spiritual so mine over analysing has to do with the religious

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Mine does too. 90 percent religious but can’t talk about it here.

Yes it is a unbalanced life, many of us have.

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Im also in deep reflection most of the time, that’s why I’m always by myself. I don’t like being around alot of people. I can get carried away by my thoughts. It frustrating sometimes.

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Im similar. Im almost always having heavy thoughts. Not necessarily a bad thing. I am never satisfied by surface level/simple ideas, thoughts or thoughtlessness. I like reading authors like Dostoevsky and nietzsche and the like. Also theology. It helps give my life meaning and purpose, being a deep thinker.
I wouldnt worry about it. Unless its impacting your quality of life super badly. But even then, i feel its worth it at times.

Personally I have been paralysed by it,
I spend 21 hours a day in my bedroom overthinking and have done for over 2 years everyday.
I personally call it self development


She tried giving me luvox for obsessed thoughts but it made me vomit.

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Maybe its time to find a way to reduce it then? :thinking: sounds like too much. Need to have a balance between getting thoughts, ideas right and taking action and doing. Thats what i think. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was on luvox on and off for ages. Didnt do anything for me.

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At my age, and to keep me hopeful is in the understanding life has different stage’s.
I’m currently in this stage doesn’t mean it’s going to last,
I have hopeful ambition for the future, but not currently yet,

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i dont know if id call mine pondering but when im not distracted and even when i am sometimes i think non stop about things im feel paranoid about, or i am having conversations with my head

That sounds like cabinfever to me, I go for a walk outside when I get reminded by myself to do so. I choose a destiny like getting a drink at the 24/7 supermarket or such. I am not in a hospital locked up, not able to destruct myself. I am already some sort of institutionalized.

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