References for Employment

Hi all,

In the process of (hopefully!) getting hired for a seasonal position.

Everything’s gone well, except for the fact that this place wants references.

Long story short, I’ve left basically all my previous jobs because of SZ, and don’t really have any references I’d care to use.

I emailed the owner of the yoga studio I worked at for a year asking for a reference, and her response was “I would be happy to give you a reference, however I’m afraid that I really didn’t get the chance to know you very well.”

Like, really though? I worked my ass off under her supervision for a year and she says that?

So what should I do?
Should I still list her as a reference?

What have you guys done in the past when a job asks for references?



Why did you call her? Just put them as reference.

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I think she’ll give you a fair reference because she said she’d be happy to do it. She just won’t be sharing stories or specifics.


I dunno… I thought it was customary to give someone a “heads-up” before using them as a reference :sweat_smile:

This is the first time I’ve had a potential employer actually want to check references.


Ah okay @LilyoftheValley, thanks for putting my mind at ease some.

Hopefully it’ll be all good things :sweat_smile:

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Did you tell them you quit bcz of sz? I always tell them I quit to return to university. I think its better.

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In some job circles references only confirm the person worked there between said dates. The threat of litigation for an incorrect reference makes a lot of referees wary


Noooo way, I don’t think that would be a good idea.

I just told them I left due to health issues, which is true… Just kinda side-steps the SZ.


Well then maybe you can put them as reference? I put jobs I quit after 2 weeks and older jobs where I worked for up to 3 years. I still got hired after passing an IQ test on Excel.

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I’m waiting on the ex-manager of the yoga studio to get back to me… Something tells me it’s gonna be a longgg while.

So at the moment I’ve got one reference, so I suppose that’s better than nothing.

Sounds like your resume has a lot of experience on it, @aziz. You had to pass an IQ test to get hired?

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I put on my CV “references available on request”. No one ever asks them.

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Ah, I see.

Hopefully that’s all they want to know!

Not like I have anything to hide, but quitting jobs due to mental illness does not a positive reference make :upside_down_face:

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Yes, everybody had to, its a video games company requiring great computer skills like using command prompt etc

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I do that too, @Jonathan2… I’m completely shocked this place wants references for a seasonal position.

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I also had to write reports about bugs after testing a video game. They tested language skills in the IQ test. Some companies require passing an IQ test.

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Wow, that sounds hardcore!

But hey, kudos to you for passing everything :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Aziz is Ubisoft Canadian?

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Do you have any teachers or college professors you can use? Or try a friend or family member

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Thanks @Schztuna :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully you get hired.

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Its a french company but they do have branches in Canada and worldwide.

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