Here is the same heart risk scoring calaculator used by cardiologists, just input your lipid and blood pressure readings etc.
Doing what I can, but these early morning walks where my face tries to freeze off are going to be challenging.
I finished my keto diet 4 days early, as i had run out of eggs. I measured my blood pressure thinking after all that salt in my bacon it would be through the roof. It wasn’t. It was low as 116/65.
I have a bmi of 25.9 now which says a little over weight at 72.75kg, but it is mostly lean muscle. My metabolic age is down to age 49 ( I am 48) apparently according to my weighing scales… Now to maintain it…
I can’t drink beer anymore because of my gluten allergy, and I gave up smoking 17 years ago. I have 12 units of alcohol a week and do 90 press ups in one go in the morning. I am aiming to get it to 100!
A couple of years ago I was over 85kg, so am happy with the progress. I am blessed with will power so I am lucky in that sense.
Eating healthily now, but could do with increasing exercise again. Anything to not be the sz statistic. You could do it too…
The reduction of blood pressure in the first two weeks of it is very common. Your salt and potassium needs increase however. It’s a diuretic diet. Also not everyone is salt sensitive when it comes to blood pressure. A lot of it depends on metabolism. For example the reason why keto is diuretic is because it drops insulin levels which has the effect of retaining salt on kidneys when its high. Hyperinsulinemia is the hallmark of dysfunctional metabolism, and precedes elevated blood glucose levels.
My bp used to be bit high. It is still within normal range. I imagine it will raise a little again now.
Heart disease is the disease of dysfunctional metabolism. Anything you can do to improve it helps in the nut shell. Exercise like cardio and muscle building to increase the number of mitochondria, fat loss, other hormetic stresses like sauna and hot tub, and of course a quality diet.
It’s possible it will be elevated again if you go high carb depending on your metabolism.
low to medium carb for me from now on.
can someone summarise this intervention?
A lot of people die early from obesity related diseases and smoking. Eat healthily and exercise and die later.
If this is about keto, then you eat enough complete protein to maintain metabolism and lean body mass, limit carbs to no more than fifty grams per day to maintain nutritional ketosis that keeps insulin levels down among other things, and eat fat to satiety. Some argue for higher fat intake, but personally I find just enough fat not to feel like crap is enough as I have plenty of my own body fat to burn. The need for higher salt and potassium increase as well.
If you want to learn from professionals about it, there are books by Phinney and Volek among many others, and the FAQ on site is very extensive. Another option is to have it medically managed by them.
Otherwise, there are many discussion forums and podcasts, such as the r/keto on reddit and the 2 keto dudes podcast.
I wish they told us what they actually did in these interventions.
Or, for the very unfortunate, congenital birth defects.
Yes, sometimes