What are some good movies to watch while I recover from surgery?
Mostly in the mood for something funny or feel good. Nothing too dark or cerebral.
Doesn’t have to be new but can be.
What are some good movies to watch while I recover from surgery?
Mostly in the mood for something funny or feel good. Nothing too dark or cerebral.
Doesn’t have to be new but can be.
@Aziz recommended this a while ago and it looks funny.
“Nacho Libre” is my go to funny movie.
I love it.
“Get that corn out of my face!!”
I really enjoyed It’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!
It’s a real tear jerker, but very well made.
A feel good movie that I recently watched is called:
Both feel good movies with bits of comedy lightly stirred into the cinematic broth.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I’ve added them to my list.
“malificent” one and two…good stuff…
Freaks Your one of us.
…and I’m out of the running already.
Special, Is a good one too.
Superbad, Anchorman, Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, Blades of Glory, Talladega Knights.
Thunder Force… it’s hilarious… it’s on Netflix
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