Reason to quit smoking I guess

Had a doppler scan of my arm to see about my hand issues. Got the report back in my patient chart and it says results consistent with peripheral artery disease. Recommends a CT angiogram. Waiting to actually talk to my doctor but I’m so stressed out and scared. Last message I got from his nurse was that this one test was very high and I need to see a rheumatologist immediately. All this stress is making my anxiety and symptoms so bad. I don’t know what to do.

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Just take a breath. First off, some people have these kind of problems and they go a long time not knowing what’s wrong and things get really bad. So you are in a good position as far as getting diagnosed and getting treatment and hopefully getting to where you feel better. Second off, anything that can be wrong with a person is only made worse by the worrying. I know it’s hard but try to calm yourself and realize you are in good hands and will get good treatment.

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Thank you leafy. I know I need to stay calm it’s just like I feel like a prophecy is coming true. My voices have always been telling me I’m going to die and now I’m having all these health problems. I know it can’t be the case but right now that’s how it feels idk.

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You aren’t going to die. That’s just your brain running away with the fear of the unknown. And yes it’s natural to be upset by all of this. But you can just slowly and calmly talk to yourself and reassure yourself that you are in good hands, that you are going to see a specialist and that everything is going to be ok. It’s going to take a lot of work to keep reassuring yourself.

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Thank you im going to try

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