Really Positive Day Today

Did six miles walking. I ended up quite teary-eyed mid way through over the epicness of Earth’s beauty. I live near Lake Michigan and we have a great shoreline here - combined with Autumn’s colors (especially yellow I am fond of) and Summer’s weening greenery, I lost it.

I don’t feel like I’m going to miss this planet, though, I feel there’s a new world beyond this one after death.

I am also trying to get back into my death metal interests. It caused anxieties before, but I used to love the positive energy it created within me - very empowering. For anyone curious, it’s Black Dahlia Murder’s new album “Abysmal”. Hopefully there are more great weathered days left before Winter hits!


Same for me. It’s raining here. I love the rain. Cleaned my apt, drank coffee and posted on I have family therapy in half an hour and then IOP right afterwards. But yeah today has been the third good day in a row. I think that’s gotta be close to a record


Great for me to see some cheery news, as my last week has been a bit rubbish! I’ll absorb your positive energy. Thanks.

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It is proven that nature can heal our mind, indeed.


Before anti-psychotic medication, the Japanese would simply release the psychotic into the woods. Much more humane than the drowning and beating and all that rubbish they did in America throughout the centuries leading up to this past one.


Is Opeth death metal? They are quite talented.

It’s been three consecutive weeks for me.

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I got an 88 on my exam and a 92 on my paper for music theory and Japanese film respectively. Yay! And I made food for myself double yay! And I’ve been walking to class instead of riding my bike for the past week, legs tired but feel strong. Can I get a hip hip hooray?!


I’m not sure if they are “death”, but it is certainly some sub-genre of metal. I don’t really worry about sub-genre labels, to be honest. I really used to be into Black & Death metal… last summer at least before my sister took her life. Kinda screwed everything up.

I don’t know why, but I first read this as a holiday - Really Positive Day, like Arbor Day or Talk Like a Pirate Day. And I’m all for it. I used to occasionally declare No Bad News Thursday, which was usually a success. Happy Really Positive Day!

I am glad your day went so great. It sounds beautiful. I’m going to be driving up to Michigan in a week; I hope it’s still as lovely.

(Also, I used to listen to Candlemass - which is more doom, I know - and it also gave me anxiety issues. How odd.)

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Death metal triggers my PTSD, but back in the day I found it very relaxing.

I got a dishwasher today, and it is my first one ever! I did a whole load of dishes and only stood at the sink for like ten minutes!

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Do you what that title refers too?

Yes. They’re not glamorizing her murder, though. It’s more or less a thought-provoking that deserved more attention - very similar to “Children of Bodom”.

There are a lot worse names out there in the scene, though.

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