
Idk what’s going on honestly. All I know is that I’m dealing with my Gpa passing last year and not having kids anymore this Christmas. Which is hard enough. But im losing touch with reality. I wanted to go see the new matrix movie but I realized I can’t due to me having a thing with simulation theory. It sends me into another world. And it’s kind of screwing me up. Idk I just feel unsteady. I don’t know what to do. I’m stuck in my head, trying to focus on other things but I can’t at all. Anyways I just need someone to talk to.


I feel you on this… my husband is pretty excited about the new matrix… but I honestly haven’t seen any of them. Not only do I kind of think they’re lame… but I also think they might be triggering for me if I did watch them… idk better to avoid something if you think it’ll trip you out.

Sorry to hear about your gpa, sending good thoughts your way

Thank you. It means a lot. And I think I am going g to avoid the movie. It will make me sad but could save me some real grief. I’ll talk to my therapist tomorrow about it. Plus I see my psych on the 30th and see 8f I need to up my meds one more time.

Yeah I really think it’s best to avoid it… at least for now. Good idea to talk to your therapist about it tomorrow! And maybe you do need your meds increased… who knows, but that’s not a bad thing.

Wishing you a merry Christmas and or happy holidays

I had the same problem with alien based shows and movies at one time. Couldn’t go near them until I was much more stable. I actually just downloaded Resurrection. Watching it with my kid tomorrow.

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I have the same problem with the Matrix, but I will watch it

The last epic I watched was Dune, and I actually really enjoyed that

Might not be as bad as you think?

Delusions can be irritating with insight, but you seem like you’re aware of your triggers.

Yes, the matrix is a great famous movie, wonder why ? The latest alien movie and avatar triggered me as well. My life would be boring without scifi.

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