‘Real nastiness’: therapist training courses in UK can be ‘toxic’ and need regulating, say students

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I remember being suicidal during my economics degree and they basically treated me like i was making it up and there was nothing they wanted/could do

oh, just read the article. unrelated comment mine is

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I had a similar issue

They put me on a long waiting list to see the campus therapist

When they saw my drawings they immediately got the mental health trust to assess me

But they didn’t do a great deal

Just got given Olanzapine and respiridone to see if that helped

Honestly I was still in a lot of danger

When I moved back home I lost contact with the mental health team and things got really bad when I ran out of the APs I had been given


I don’t think universities are very well equipped for schizophrenia/serious mental health problems at all :frowning:

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Ill add a little contrast.

When I did my Nursing degree (BSc Hons) and I was starting to experience “things”, I got absolutely no help or support - even from work, where I was still gainfully employed while undertaking said degree. And that place, haha, was an NHS mental health unit.

Now fast forward; my wife is doing a BA Hons in teaching with the Open Uni. When she needs a little extension (sometimes) because Ive been unwell and quite difficult to manage - they jump to her aid and offer her tons of support. Same as her work (a school), they offer her tons of support - because she never complains or asks for anything, she just soldiers on and continues to smile even when things are really not good at home. Because she does not demand, and because of the nature of my illness - they are very helpful and accommodating to her, even though she has never asked or let her performance slip.

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Yeah mental health has yet to be fully addressed and it likely won’t be any time soon

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