Reading Kindle samples

I guess I am turning into a cheapskate, but the latest thing I am doing is downloading a lot of free samples from self help books on Amazons Kindle app. I actually get a lot of neat info and ideas just by reading and skimming the intros of books. Some of the books I may eventually buy but it is cool to get info that is often presented better than the stuff I find in blogs on the web.

Some of the topics I have been browsing lately are microhabits, dieting methods and stuff on public speaking.


I think checking out samples before buying is a great idea :slight_smile: You could also check your local library for the books you want to buy. You may be able to read what you want for free. Chances are some will be at the library and some won’t.


Smart idea! I think it’s okay. You might find a book you are interested in!

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Your local library might also let you download ebooks for free. Mine does, and after three weeks the book just disappears, and I don’t have to remember to return it. I love it!

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have you tried :slight_smile:

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